Hanryu (Korean Wave) and Business
Hanryu (Korean Wave) and Business
  • 관리자
  • 승인 2010.04.27 14:11
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최종수정일 / 2008년 04월 21일

In the past few years, Korean culture has caught on, having become popular in Asia (China, Japan, Southeast Asia).
For example, the movie 'The Host' was a big hit in China, and over a hundred Korean TV dramas will be broadcast there this year.  In 2005 one Chinese TV station bought the Korean historical drama ‘Dae Jang Geum’ for $10,000 per episode, which, when it aired, soon became a smash hit.  Since then Korean TV dramas have overtaken American TV shows in popularity in China, and now fetch prices of over $80,000 per episode.  China makes up about 70% of Korea's income from Hanryu.

The Hanryu Wave also engulfed Japan.  In 1998 the movie ‘Suiri’ did surprisingly well at the Japanese box office. 
Then preparations for the Korea-Japan World Cup 2002 made more Japanese conscious of Korea.  But the most important event in the history of Hanryu in Japan was the broadcast of 'Winter Sonata' in 2002.  The series had not done very well in Korea, and a Japanese TV station only bought it because it was so cheap.  ‘Winter Sonata,’ however, exceeding all expectations, became hugely successful in Japan, and was shown 4 times over the next two years.  Bae Yong-jun, the male protagonist of the drama, became the most popular celebrity in Japan.  The impact of the drama was so tremendous that some Japanese journeyed to Korea to see the location where the drama was filmed.

Why are these Korean movies and dramas so popular in Asia?
Because many Asian nations feel that Korean dramas depict a life and a culture similar to their own.  Their appeal shows that 'cultural proximity' is an important factor in the Korean Wave.  But Korea can derive not only a cultural benefit but also an economic one.  By riding the Korean Wave, Korean products and brands will become more familiar, recognized, and trusted by consumers as they advance into world markets.  Thus, the Korean Wave acts as powerful unofficial ambassadors on the world stage, contributing to our national image as a member of the developed world both culturally and economically.

By  reporter Kim do hyung

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