[DAU's Support Staff] Like a Smiling Father
[DAU's Support Staff] Like a Smiling Father
  • 박이슬
  • 승인 2010.05.03 12:13
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[DAU's Support Staff] Like a Smiling Father
최종수정일 / 2008년 10월 10일

Janitors of the school dormitory work day and night so that students can enjoy their school life in safety.  Despite the gloomy bad weather, Mr. Gwon Jung-sik, a janitor who has been working at the dormitory for 9 months, cheerfully agreed to give us an interview.  He said his main job everyday is to oversee basic student safety, preventing accidents, keeping strangers out of the dormitory, periodically patrolling the building, and maintaining the boiler.  The difficult part of his job is that he only gets two hours of rest from a 22 hour shift.  Although he works every other day, he cannot rest on weekends or holidays, so there is no time to spend with his family.

I asked whether he could recall any episode that sticks out in his memory.  Smiling, he said, "In the women's dormitory, there is always a big episode because of the little bugs.  When female students see little bugs crawling in their rooms, they scream and run away.  And at the beginning of the semester, there are always very drunk students, forced to drink by the order of upperclassmen, who cause trouble.  Sadly, I have to worry about their safety all through the night while they sleep."

When the interview was almost over, he carefully said, "If all dormitory students follow the few rules, there would be nothing to worry about, and my work would be so much easier."  He hoped further to have a good relationship with each student just like a father with his son or daughter.
At the end of the interview, I could sense his warm, affectionate nature as he wondered whether he could take a picture with me with his digital camera.

By Jang Tae-youn

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