[DAU's Support Staff] With the Heart of a Mother
[DAU's Support Staff] With the Heart of a Mother
  • 박이슬
  • 승인 2010.05.03 12:14
  • 댓글 0
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[DAU's Support Staff] With the Heart of a Mother
최종수정일 / 2008년 11월 20일
There are a total of four student cafeterias in 4 buildings on Seunghak Campus. If Gudeok and Bumin Campus are
counted, there are three more.  From these, I visited the cafeteria in Hanlim library.  From 7 a.m., the cooks were
working in a rush to prepare breakfast.  When I visited, they were all working hard at their stations: managing,
distributing, cooking and dish-washing.

Kim Young-jin, the head cook, has worked here for 4 years.  When I asked her what were some difficulties she faced
there, she replied that the kitchen and kitchen tables were not spacious enough. "There is also too much food waste.  
I want to ask the students to take only portions of kimchi or side dishes they can consume," she said.

There are occasions when students' request for more portions cannot be met.  Kim said they realize that it is an age
when students have to consume a lot of food, really wanting to give them more, but they should understand that they
cannot because the amount of certain foods such as chicken or fried food is fixed.

Not only students from other provinces but also students in general have the preconception that meals at home are
better than bought meals outside.  But the cafeteria staff said they took care when cooking because they consider
students their sons and daughters.  "We hardly use monosodium glutamate (MSG) in consideration of the health of the students," Kim said.  I could feel her maternal love shining through her words.

By Kim Yeon-jeong

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