[DAU's Support Staff] The Dark Knight
[DAU's Support Staff] The Dark Knight
  • 박이슬
  • 승인 2010.05.03 12:15
  • 댓글 0
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[DAU's Support Staff] The Dark Knight
최종수정일 / 2008년 10월 10일

I visited the night duty room located next to the second floor entrance of the College of Humanities building. The staff here is in charge of delivering mail, official documents, and advertisements to all departments. It is also responsible for night watch. The staff member who sits at the information desk located on the opposite side of the night duty room informs freshmen, foreigners, and visitors the location of various campus offices and departments.

Kim Myung-su, who has worked for 6 years in the night duty room, said, with an embarrassed look, "Why don't you interview younger staff than me  The staff of a school exists for students. And our work is naturally just a matter of doing our best for students.

So I feel embarrassed to be interviewed for doing something that is necessary and that needs no explanation," he said humbly. He added that because he knew his way around DAU, people ask him for directions around Hadan. During vacation, he helped students who were preparing to display their works in the art exhibition, and who greet him now with a smile.

"If we do our job well for students, they also will appreciate and try to get to know us," he observed. "I'm very busy from morning to midday, but I am never bored with my job," he said. From his statements, I felt that he had sincerity and enthusiasm for his work at DAU.

By Kim Do-hyung

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