PIFF ‘Flowers': Pusan International Film Festival
PIFF ‘Flowers': Pusan International Film Festival
  • 박이슬
  • 승인 2010.05.03 12:16
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PIFF ‘Flowers': Pusan International Film Festival Volunteer Team
최종수정일 / 2008년 11월 04일
        This year the Pusan International Film Festival, as is usually the case since its inception in 1996, opened
dazzlingly.   The primary factor for its successful run every year is the PIFF volunteer team, called PIFF's flowers,
700 of whom contributed their time and energy to the duration of the festival from October 2 to October 10.  Volunteering
is an activity worth considering for students, and volunteering at this festival is especially popular among them.

        Park, Ji Yeh, a student who worked on PIFF's character marketing team this year, said, "I applied for this activity
because having lived in Busan for such a long time, I became interested in PIFF and wanted to have a chance to meet
all kinds of people for an unforgettable memory.  I found myself having an even more enjoyable time, never having had
the opportunity to put all of my passion into something in a very short time like this.  We were very proud of ourselves
after the successful film festival since we accomplished something worthwhile though it was hard and stressful at

        PIFF volunteers must not only be friendly but also have second language ability to communicate and provide
efficient service to movie-goers and guests from all over the world.

        Any Korean or foreigner who is over 18 years old and a current resident of Korea can apply to become a
volunteer.  The application can be made through PIFF`s volunteer web site (http://volunteer.piff.org) in May.  Selected applicants will take a written exam and have an oral interview.  Those who pass both will receive training 2 to 5 times
between August and September.  In the recruiting division, the programing team gives direct support to the running of
the movie.  The invitation  team helps during receptions and ceremonies and offers guidance to international and
Korean guests.  There are also the planning publicity team and the marketing development team.  The Asian film
marketing team requires second language proficiency because it acts as mediators between movie sponsors from all over the world.  The skills education team is responsible for technical matters related to the running of film such as
subtitles and theater administration.  Lastly, there is the general affairs team in charge of all kinds of departments during the festival.  It has priority in choosing volunteers with second language ability and diverse skills.

        Before PIFF starts, volunteers receive general training divided into teams and type of volunteer service.

        Training is mostly a forum for information exchange through which volunteers learn about the different types of
volunteer service at PIFF and a time to develop friendships.  Park, the student, said, "I think PIFF concluded
successfully because we created synergy by forming friendships with each other while volunteering."

        The Pusan International Film Festival continues to grow every year with the help of its volunteers.

                                                                                                                                                                                        November 3, 2008
                                                                                                                                                           By junior reporter, Jang Tae-youn

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