[Second Dong-A Global Forum]To Produce Electricity
[Second Dong-A Global Forum]To Produce Electricity
  • 박이슬
  • 승인 2010.05.03 12:18
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[Second Dong-A Global Forum]To Produce Electricity for Economic Growth
최종수정일 / 2008년 11월 22일
사진 : Prof. Liu De-Fu (China Three Gorges University)
China plans to raise GDP (Gross Domestic Product) to about 3.6 billion yuan (about
683.1 billion won) by 2020.  It is four times the GDP of the year 2000, and it can be realized by annual increases of 7.2%.  However, China still suffers from shortage in electric
power supply, its  power carrying capacity also weak.  As a result, many believe China must solve its electric power problem to accelerate its economic development.  
Addressing this issue, the Chinese government will increase the generating plant
capacity of large- and medium-sized hydropower stations to 225,100 MW, regarding
hydropower to be one of its main energy sources.

"The Chinese government plans to devote all its might to hydropower," said Prof. Liu
Defu of China's Three Gorges University in his lecture 'China's Energy and Hydropower Plan' on October 29.  

According to Prof. Liu, 'the total theoretical potential of China's water resources' is
689GW (1GW=1 millionW) and 'total economically usable annual output of China's water resources' is 1740TWH (ITWH=1 billionW).  China's coal reserves amount to 4.2% of the world's, its petroleum sources 2%, so its natural resources are comparatively poor.  Its water resource, however, ranks first in the world with 15%.  
China's usable water resource capacity amounts to 36.9% of the total surplus usable energy capacity.

China's energy consumption last year reached 2.65 billion tons of raw coal, increasing by 7.8% compared to 2006.  
Raw oil consumption was 340 million tons, increasing 6.3%.  Electricity consumption was 3263.2 billion kWh, increasing 14.1%. "I expect China's electricity consumption will reach 4200 billion kWh in 2020.  To satisfy this demand, electric
power supply must be expanded without delay.  The Chinese government is directing all its strength to constructing
power plants, and the first thing is hydropower.  They plan to optimize thermal power, promote nuclear power, and
accelerate renewable energy," said Prof. Liu.  
China is developing many projects that are being adjusted to regional conditions for hydropower, especially hurrying to construct power plants with 2 to 5 thousand MW capacity in Sichuan, Yunnan, etc.  

Prof. Liu predicted, "Power generating capacity of large- and medium-sized hydropower stations in China will reach
183,900 MW by 2015.  The Chinese government plans to use hydropower as an energy source,  clean, cheap and

By Kang Myoung-a
No.1066 MONDAY NOVEMBER 10, 2008

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