[Second Dong-A Global Forum]Russia to Push FEC
[Second Dong-A Global Forum]Russia to Push FEC
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[Second Dong-A Global Forum]Russia to Push FEC
최종수정일 / 2008년 11월 13일
사진 : Prof. Yevgency B. Tsoy (Novosibirsk State Technical University)
On September 29, in a memorandum of understanding(MOU), the
leaders of Korea and Russia agreed to build a gas pipeline
connecting the two countries.  Russian resources are so abundant
that it ranks among the top in gas reserves and output and among
the top ten in oil output.  Russian energy supplies has attracted
national attention as Korea could secure natural gas that
corresponds to 20% of its demand a year in a stable manner through the MOU.

Especially, Siberia is a key region that possesses huge energy
resources, as well as scientific and industrial potential.  In addition, Siberia is the center of oil production and natural gas in Russia, with 45% of the country's hydroelectric potential concentrated in it.  The
fuel and energy complex (FEC), in particular the Siberian fuel and
energy complex, is the most important part of the country's
economy and a significant part of the world's power supply system.  FEC is a project that undertakes to examine how
to proceed with mining, research and development, imports and exports, industrialization, use of natural resources,
etc.  Thus, Siberia and the Far East area are becoming a center of economic cooperation with Northeast Asian
countries interested in getting their supply of energy from Russia as well as in developing FEC.

Prof. Evgeny Tsoy, Vice-Rector of Novosibirsk State Technical University in Russia, delivered a lecture on 'Energy
Resources and Energy Policy in the Russian Federation focusing on Siberia': "In solving the problem of doubling the
gross domestic product posed by the President of Russian Federation V. V. Putin, the country's FEC plays an
exceptionally important role."

According to Prof. Tsoy, from 2002 to 2003 the Russian government drew up plans for the development of the fuel and
energy complex, and the economy of Russia as a whole, up to the year 2020.  Also, the government approved the
Strategy for Economic Development of Siberia and Energy Strategy of Russia for the period up to the year 2020.  In order to realize the Energy Strategy of Russia for the period up to 2020, the government of the Russian Federation made a
decision to build an oil pipeline connecting Eastern Siberia with the Pacific Ocean.

He pointed out the major directions of Siberian FEC development outlined by the Russian congress participants.  The
exploration work and mineral licensing in Siberia would correspond to the time of the construction of the Eastern
Siberia-Pacific Ocean pipeline.  In addition, oil extraction in these regions would have to be increased to 100 to 110
million tons to provide completely for the needs of Eastern Siberia and the Far East and to use the pipeline to export oil
to the countries of the Asian-Pacific region and the Pacific Coast of the USA.
However, the congress recognized serious threats to Russian FEC development in the area of rational mineral wealth
utilization and energy saving, investments and technologies, legislative control and scientific research.

By Kim Yeon-jeong
No.1066 MONDAY NOVEMBER 10, 2008

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