Benefits of Conversation
Benefits of Conversation
  • 박이슬
  • 승인 2010.05.03 12:19
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Benefits of Conversation
최종수정일 / 2008년 11월 22일
        There is a way to make friendships with people from all over the world.  It is through conversation.  You might be
indifferent toward conversation because it is a part of daily
life.  However, if you care about your conversation a little
more, you can capture people's heart.  Many books about
how to engage in conversation have been published and are
available in bookstores.  What follow are conversation tips
from 「Listening Techniques and Talking Techniques」
(Hukuda Takeshi, Today's Book, 2007) and 「Lee Sook-
young's Delicious Conversation」(Lee Sook-young, Smart
Business, 2007).

People like to talk to a person who listens carefully.

        Conversation is a two-way act that involves a give and take, 'listening' and 'talking.'  Talking about only yourself is not good, but only listening with your mouth firmly closed also impedes conversation.  Then, what is a good way to
        First, listen sincerely.  The speaker will notice if you simply pretend to listen.  If the speaker is silent, don't talk right away.  Show that you are waiting for the person to talk.  Second, respond positively as you listen.  You have to respond positively to make the conversation lively.  What are some good ways to respond  Laugh. And also nod and echo
another´s words to indicate your comprehension and interest.  If you don't understand something, ask.  Third, listen
with the right attitude.  You should not shake your legs, fold your arms, maintain an arrogant posture, adopt an
indifferent attitude, or put on a bored expression.  It seems obvious, but many people do those things. Fourth, don't
interrupt.  Be patient even if the speaker has nothing interesting to say.
        People who make delightful conversation are a good listener.  If you want to be good at conversation, practice

Draw the other person closer.

        If you say that a person is a good speaker, you would consider her to have achieved fluency.  But if you pour out
your stories all at once, the listener will be bored.  Being good at speaking is a combination of good listening,
response, careful concern.  Here are some points to keep in mind when you talk.
        First, don't talk about only yourself.  Engage in a give and take, talking and listening.  Second, when you speak, be considerate of others and the social mood.  Offer a conversational topic to a person who is reticent and lighten the
mood so that people can speak freely.  Third, find a common subject and talk about it.  It is good to choose a topic that everyone is familiar with and can join in. Fourth, show your interest in the person you are talking to.  You need to make an effort to break barriers by finding out others' interests.  Fifth, the most important thing in conversation is sincerity.  

Make the other person feel comfortable to speak.

        People who are good at conversation are also good at making others feel comfortable and socially at ease.
        First, the more you nod, the closer you can be to the other party in the conversation.  The other interprets the
gesture as a positive sign.  Laughing is also an important positive physical gesture.  Second, calling the other's name often inspires a friendly feeling toward the caller.  Third, make eye contact.  The more you make contact, the more
distance you will close between you and your conversational partner.  Fourth, pay attention to the other's facial
expression, gesture, tone, voice volume, speaking speed, words and so on.  Of course, you should not make the other know that you are doing these things.  One psychology experiment has shown that people follow unconsciously those toward whom they have a favorable disposition.

November 14, 2008
By Reporter, Kang Myoung-a

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