How About Overseas Volunteer
How About Overseas Volunteer
  • 박이슬
  • 승인 2010.05.03 12:24
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How About Overseas Volunteer 
최종수정일 / 2009년 05월 21일
In November 2008 a 6 to 1 competitive rate was recorded for entry into Korea Juvenile Overseas Volunteers, which is sponsored by the Ministry of Health and Welfare. (Some 2000 students applied.) It was extremely popular even though applicants pay half their own expenses. Offering an opportunity for students who want to have varied foreign experiences as well as to do volunteer work, this kind of program is particularly attractive. KOICA, KOPION, NGO are Korea's representative overseas volunteer organizations. They have an agreement with 17 Asian, 18 African, 5 Middle Eastern, as well as Central and South American, Eastern European nations. They conduct various volunteer programs, dispatching specialists, medical doctors, Tae Kwon Do coaches, and trainees. They support NGO missions, reclamation projects, aid programs to Afghanistan, and so on. In order to be dispatched, KOICA overseas volunteer members must have a technical specialty and dedication. Because they mainly teach professional knowledge, those who want to apply to be a KOICA member must have ability in a major field of study and hands-on-background. That KOICA volunteers have a 70% success rate in employment shows that volunteer activity is looked upon as a positive factor by business and industry. Kim, Jeong-hoon, KOICA's public relations officer, said, "many young men succeed in employment, making use of overseas volunteer experience. Volunteering as an overseas member of KOICA universal cooperation staff will help a young man in opening his vision of the world." Lee, Sang-won (International Trade, Senior), the 13th member of KOICA who taught children in Shis, India, gave his impressions: "Volunteer activity is not simply a matter of doing someone a favor because you are gaining as much from those you help. By transcending national boundaries through common human values, I will remember this experience. I had the pleasure of meeting a comrade who had the same goal as me despite our different situations and cultures." Dong-A University will hold a seminar about volunteering in Africa on May 23. It is hoped that this seminar, which is under the direction of the Department of International Tourism, could instill in students the spirit of volunteerism as well as lead to self-development, contributing to both personal and public welfare. By reporter Choi Jung-in

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