“What are you going to do this summer vacation ”
“What are you going to do this summer vacation ”
  • 박이슬
  • 승인 2010.05.03 12:25
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“What are you going to do this summer vacation ”
최종수정일 / 2009년 07월 09일
You might address this question every vacation.  Hesitation regarding what to do might lead you to waste your vacation as you do nothing.  Common fact among those who spent a worthwhile vacation is “Do Not Afraid to Do”.  This special report will explain the way to spend a fruitful vacation.  Examples from students who are spending their vacation productively will be given.

Read any kind of books.

Jan Jin Ho, a junior majoring in Business Administration at Busan University, moved to his friend’s house from his own home in Young Island in order to be closer to school two months ago.  Though most students who live in a dormitory or who live on their own move back home during vacation, he chose not to.  “I did not know what to do during vacation, and I was afraid of becoming lazy if I stayed at home.  That is why I decided to move.”  After he had moved, he said he started studying, having been influenced by students who were preoccupied by studying.

In this humid weather, he conclusively recommends students to stay inside and to have your own time.  One example is to go to a library and pick up any kind of book that you are interested in.  The first book he chose was not a TOEIC book, selecting instead an accessible English book: it was a work of English literature.  The more books he read, the more he became fascinated by English, helping him to rid his fear of learning English.

Recently, he made up a schedule, reserving the time from 7 A.M. till 12 P.M for the study of TOEIC and then learning pragmatic English in his club.  “Scoring 900 on the TOEIC test is my goal this summer”.  He burns the midnight oil by studying hard.

"Part time job out of school  No way, I earn money working at school.”

One of the typical ways to spend your vacation may be doing a part time job.  If you are looking for a job, here is a lucrative idea; scholarships for working students program

Park Song-Lee, a senior majoring in English literature at DAU, has been one of the scholarship students in the A.V room on the 12th floor of the Humanities Building.  For nearly a year from Monday to Friday, the A.V room was opened by her.  With home-like atmosphere, working there seems to have become a part of her daily life.  Since ten students work there, schedules can be arranged flexibly especially if you are good at the rock and scissors game.

Scholarship students at DAU numbered some 473 students this year, and the wages per hour are higher than wages from another place--working on-campus 6.500 won, working off-campus 9,000 won.  The wages normally go to the student’s account.  Not only this crediting of the student account, students often feel a special affection for the school.  Park said, “Before, I didn’t feel a part of the school, but now I do.”

An official of the Scholarship Center at DAU, Ha Yeon-joo said, “scholarship for working student program does not require too many qualifications to get in.  In every field, they need students to help them out.”  She hoped more students join the scholarship working students program.

“Learn English by a special way”

If you do not want to stay inside, why don’t you just go outside and meet people 
Ham Sung-uk, a senior majoring in Chinese in the Busan University of Foreign Studies, is one of the participants in his school’s Undergraduates’ English Camp 2009.

Because he lacked English skills, he was not confident.  But once he got into that program, he became more confident.

The Undergraduates’ English Camp 2009 consisted of five subjects--TV, Sports, Film, Game, Law--with a total of 78 students taught by foreign professors, who helped students improve their essential English skills by going to and watching a movie, making UCC film and playing a role in a moot court and so on.

Ham said, “I do not feel that this program is only about studying formal English.  I learned conversational English on a daily basis and made new friends.  To improve my English skills was my objective that I tried my utmost to fulfill.  Even though I may not have reached my goals, it was better than doing nothing.  The key is not being afraid to face challenges that can advance you.”

DAU also holds lots of programs in July to inspire students who fall into indolence. The summer session employment program to be held from July 14 to July 15 is already closed to further registrants.  There will also be a summer session which introduces Korean culture to foreigners in early August.

As a proverb says, the beginning is the half of the whole.  The moment that you feel lazy and sluggish at the beginning of summer vacation is the time to begin work.  Challenge yourself physically or mentally so that this vacation can leave you with unforgettable memories.

July 6, 2009
By reporter Choi Na-ry

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