[Current World] Festival of Beer Fanatics: Oktober
[Current World] Festival of Beer Fanatics: Oktober
  • 박이슬
  • 승인 2010.05.03 12:28
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[Current World] Festival of Beer Fanatics: Oktoberfest
최종수정일 / 2009년 09월 10일

In Munich, Germany, Oktoberfest begins on September 16th for two weeks.  It is one of the three great international festivals along with the Rio Carnival of Brazil and the Sapporo Snow Festival of Japan.  Each year Oktoberfest draws over 6 million people to Munich.

Oktoberfest means 'Festival of October'  But because Munich weather is not good in October, the festival is held in September.  The festival started in 1810 and has 199 years of history, being held continuously except during time of war and infectious diseases.  It will be the 176th time this year.  Every year, when the Munich mayor starts to lift the first glass, the festival starts.  During this period, the various events are ready such as lifting the large stein for a long time, a parade with people in traditional clothes from different European countries, folk dances, etc.

The main events are held in the giant tents of the six major beer companies, which measure 41 million square meters.  In the tent surroundings are 700 facilities comprising of restaurants, playgrounds, convenience areas, etc.  During the festival the amount of beer drunk by festival goers totals 55 million liters. In addition 20 million pairs of sausages, 20 million fish, 60 goats, 80 bulls are consumed.
Oktoberfest is not a festival for only adults because of the alcohol.  For children who pay the entrance fee, there are amusement park rides.

There are a lot of sights to see besides attending the festival. Like Myeong-dong of Korea, Marien Platz, where many artists gather, has shopping centers and famous buildings.  Schwabing Street attracts youth and artists to its wine shops and galleries.  There is the Glockenspiel, a doll-watch that moves at 11 o' clock in the morning.  And there is the BMW museum.

Tourists who have visited say a sight worth seeing is the German traditional dress, the Dirndl.  The Dirndl is a woman's dress worn as a vest over her blouse.  If you are a man enjoying the festival, you have to be careful when you look at a woman in a Dirndl because of its unique shape that emerges from her shoulder and chest.

Detailed content is obtainable through the official site.(http://www.oktoberfest.de)
There is a joke that 60% of a German is beer instead of water.  Germans drink more beer than water, enjoying it so much.  Actually, the price of beer is cheaper than water in Europe.  The consumption of beer per year per person is 144 liters for a German, a rate that ranks first in the world.  Through their love of beer and their pride in the beer produced in their land, an area festival may have grown into a world festival.

By reporter Park Chan-Young
동아대학보 제1072호 (2009. 9. 7)

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