Alopecia: Getting the Right Information and Preven
Alopecia: Getting the Right Information and Preven
  • 박이슬
  • 승인 2010.05.03 12:28
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Alopecia: Getting the Right Information and Preventing It
최종수정일 / 2009년 09월 11일
▲Pictured by Lee Jung-min

Young university students concerned about their appearance are sensitive to the issue of alopecia these days.

According to the latest survey run by Hair Kerker in 2007, an increasing number of 20s experienced symptoms of alopecia. It has astonishingly surged up to 66 percent compared to other years.  This survey data may indicate 'alopecia problem' can  occur to people of all ages.  Choi Ji-hoon, an economics major at Pusan National University said, "My father is bald. And my forehead skin area really gets on my nerves because it is widening."  Seo Jin-suck, a business administration graduate of Pusan National University, complained, "Because of the strong effects of medicine to overcome illness back in childhood, I had lost hair a little bit.  But I see my hair rapidly falling out these days because of emotional stress involved in getting a job."

Alopecia is defined as loss of hair and is divided into the physiological and pathological.  Physiological alopecia is normal hair loss.  By contrast, pathological alopecia is a systemic disease in which hair falls out immoderately.  According to a life cycle from the growing phase up to resting phase, physiological alopecia can slowly occur.  For various reasons, pathological alopecia can occur at any time, regardless of a phase in the life cycle, however.  According to 2007 survey data, run by Research & Research, the reason of alopecia was following 'Stress (97%)' and 'Heredity (82%)' respectively.    

Serious Causes of Alopecia -Tied Caps, Asymmetric Diet and Stress.

First, the use of tied cap for a length of time may harm skin circulation.  Because of the lack of skin circulation, follicle muscle can shrink from shortage of nutrition, which will be the main reason for alopecia.  In addition, repeated perming of hair, dyeing, even using hair items can also weaken hair condition.

An asymmetric diet formation saps the supply of nourishment to the follicle; generally meat-eating, frequently, can also be the cause of alopecia.  It is because high blood cholesterol by animal fat worsens the supply of nutrition onto a hair root.  Further, an extreme diet as well as dry hair can cause alopecia .

Lastly, undue psychological stress usually obstructs blood circulation and stimulates hair loss.  More women, especially, than men suffer because of psychological stress.
Depending on whether it is due to genetic or psychological causes, the progress of alopecia can be treated by hair treatment on a daily basis.

To prevent alopecia, you need to have enough sleep.  Furthermore, you have to find a way to manage psychological stress, which is one of the critical reasons of hair loss.  Physically, having a fresh vegetable as well as fruit will be helpful.  If hair has begun to fall out, it is resonable to ask about your symptoms to your doctor whether it is a sign of illness or not.

University students are commonly exposed to the danger of alopecia because of the stress from studying and getting a job.  Hair treatment as well as the management of daily stress will be able to halt the progression of hair loss.

Autumn is just around the corner.  Prepare your healthy hair condition to endure dried weather.  

By reporter Choi Nary
2009. 9. 11

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