Regular Medical Check-Up Will Save You
Regular Medical Check-Up Will Save You
  • 박이슬
  • 승인 2010.05.03 12:31
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Regular Medical Check-Up Will Save You
최종수정일 / 2009년 10월 30일
The National Cancer Information Center highlights the danger of cervical cancer as one of the top 5 cancers in Korea, while the organs of public opinion report prevention of cervical cancer. It is important to realize that the common ages at which cervical cancer occurs is not only in the 40s or 50s, but also for young unmarried women.

The academic world points out that the cause of the increasing number of cervical cancer cases is because of women having sexual relationships earlier. And, due to an improved perception of sex, the number of women in their 20s to 30s who visit obstetrics and gynecology clinics has increased.

Cervical cancer is a disease occurring in the cervix which is the narrow, lower end of the uterus. Unlike endometrial cancer, which happens more often in Western countries, cervical cancer occurs more frequently in Korea. In fact, we call cervical cancer the second most common cancer for Korean women. The particular fact is that it is a slow-growing cancer for 10 to 15 years and does not give specific symptoms, so that women may not recognize it in the early stages. The medical world identifies the stage in which the cancer reaches the internal wall of the pelvis as the third stage. During this period patients can feel hidden pains such as lumbago, pain in the abdominal region and lower limbs, and have difficulty urinating and defecating.  It is only at this stage when patients can realize that they have the cancer.

Though there are many vectors of infection for cervical cancer, the most common is Human Papillomavirus (HPV). HPV is most often propagated through sexual relationships, by contact of hands to genitals, and the least often through the placenta during of pregnancy.

Why do they focus on the 20s 

Obstetricians nowadays focus on women in their 20s. If caught in the early stages, cervical cancer is almost 100 percent curable. And at an earlier age women may be better affected by vaccines.  Park Sung Yong, an obstetrician at N Obstetrics and Gynecology, a Dong A graduate with the class of 1990, said "Unlike other cancers, we discovered its cause. That means that earlier medical examination and treatment can cure the cancer almost perfectly." He also said, "Not only should women maintain a good condition of nutrition and body immunity, but they should also take a physical exam at least once a year from their 20s. It is the best way of taking care of their health.”

There are two effective vaccines for relieving cervical cancer that Korea uses. A recent controversy on the side effects of cervical cancer vaccines mirrors the growing interest in cervical cancer.

Cervical cancer, which had been hidden by women, is now a curable disease. Enjoy the beautiful age of your 20s with a regular physical exam.

Choi Nary
2009. Oct. 30th

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