Bicycling for Health and the Environment
Bicycling for Health and the Environment
  • 박이슬
  • 승인 2010.05.03 12:32
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Bicycling for Health and the Environment
최종수정일 / 2009년 12월 27일
  In the morning, we can often see people who commute by bicycle, and the park or riverside are crowded with the people who ride a bicycle.  In Samrack Riverside Park, where Sasang-gu is located, in order to borrow a bicycle, people have to wait in a queue on weekends.
  October bicycle sales volume of big distributors (E-mart, Home-plus, etc.) increased 80% compared to last year,  And China, which has 2/3 of world-wide bicycle trade, recorded $2,570,000,000 in 2008, an increase of 17.9% compared to the preceding year.  Thus bicycles are flourishing all over the world.

△Bicycle Boom and the City
In the bicycles' rise is a global warming solution, municipalities declare as they encourage people to ride bicycles.
  Changwon, Gyungnam declared itself an 'Environmental Capital' in which nature and people are in harmony.  It is also a 'cycle city.'  As it introduced to the South Korean public the number one 'Nubiza,' it won success.  With the establishment of the bicycle rack which everybody was able to and an impressive 96.6km bicycle Changwon has become a benchmark for its bike policy division nationwide.  Lee Sook-hyeon (19), who lives in Changwon, said, "For commuting time, the bicycle is faster than car.  In view of time, expenses, and health (losing weight), I think it is a good thing."
  Busan decided to promote riding bicycles to save energy and protect the environment, reducing traffic jams and auto usage with its high oil prices.  From 1998 it decided to create bicycle path annually, and it constructed a total 322.55 kilometers in bicycle paths in each ward and county.  With a funding of 128 billion won, it plans by 2013 to extend bicycle paths to 601.75km.  Also, for revitalization it is constructing a housewife bicycle classroom for the life physical education classroom and the safe riding test system for the child.

△Bicycles Are Already Popular Internationally
  In the meantime, many different countries took an early lead in riding bicycles.  Every year the Netherlands invests 3 million guilders for maintenance expenses, 12 million guilders for expansion of bicycle paths.  The bicycle policy is not up to the decision of the municipal government but to the decision of citizen.  Therefore, the citizens are in the vanguard of the promotion of bicycles.
  In Japan the use of bicycles is more popular than in Europe.  In the management of bicycles Japan gives each bicycle an identification number, which eases matters related to loss and others.  Also for sightseeing by bicycle, it operates cycling terminals, which number about 60 places nationwide.  And in order to solve abandoned bicycle problem, it executes `Clean Campaign.'
  The bicycle can help not only health but the environment.  Connecticut University research released recently says riding bicycle will prevent impotence by strengthening the lower body muscle.  Also, women who ride average of 3 hour a week lessen their breast cancer risk by 34% according to Germany's Heidelberg Cancer Research Center.

By reporter Park Chan-young
Nov 12, 2009

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