Report of living an Ecosystem, have you ever been
Report of living an Ecosystem, have you ever been
  • 박이슬
  • 승인 2010.05.03 12:32
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Report of living an Ecosystem, have you ever been to Environmental Tourist Resort 
최종수정일 / 2009년 11월 16일
사진 : Sun-cheon Bay ecological park. / Eulsukdo ECO Center.
On October 24th, we visited Sun-cheon, one of the representative eco-cities in Korea.  Sun-choen was crowded by people who wanted to visit Sun-cheon Bay's ecological park.  What does this environmental tourist resort look like   There will also be information about Eulsukdo, a sanctuary for migratory birds and Busan's representative environmental tourist resort.  

The government is urging 'green growth' and world is concerned about environmental problems. Because of this tendency, many environmental products such as agricultural products, energy, natural materials, cleaning materials are drawing universal attention.  Besides travel and tourism, environmentalism has received new emphasis.  Suncheon is a typical ecological city that represents environmental tourist resort in Korea.  This city is located in Jeonnam.  It is the location of Sun-cheon Bay ecological park, which is called a gift of nature.  Sun-cheon Bay ecological park is the wet land of the coast.   Many rare migratory birds visit this park.  Because the natural ecosystem is present in its original form, many rare migratory birds visit this park in the winter.  

Also Sun-cheon Bay ecological park is famous for its reeds.  These days reed flowers are in full bloom.  The wet land offers a marvelous scene of reeds together with the fall's sea winds.  The reeds offer people beautiful scenery, birds a hiding place and food.  It also keeps nature in harmony.

Sun-cheon Bay's ecological park is registered in Ramsar as wet land of the coast.  It also plans to hold International Garden Exhibition Sun-cheon Bay Korea 2013.  The reputation of Sun-cheon Bay's ecological park is growing, the more people visit it.  The number of people who have visited Sun-cheon Bay ecological's park this year is more than a million, a sizable increase from 300,000.  It shows people are concerned about the environment.

Myung Ju-yeon, a junior in German language and literature of Dong A University, whom we met in Sun-cheon Bay, said "Thanks to fresh air here, I felt refreshed at heart.   Even though the path way to go up to an observatory was hard for me, the view from the top is marvelous.  I came to know why people are excited."   Because of the increasing number of tourists clustered around Sun-cheon, the Sun-cheon regional economy has also expanded.  International Garden Exposition Suncheon Bay Korea 2013 is expected to see 1.3 trillion won of the economic ripple effect with creation of 10 thousand jobs.

We can also find a similar green zone like Suncheon Bay near Dong A university.  Eulsukdo is an eco-friendly green park, occupying the area from Hadan 1Dong to 2Dong in Saha district, an area of 9.23㎢.  In 1997, the progress was made on the ecological restoration program in a river swampy land, trail and a field work-area with an investment of 218 billion won.  Then later ECO Center containing 3 stories was established in 2007 with 147 billion won. This center provides an exhibition on Nak-dong River's estuary natural ecology.  Also an education, research and study program is ongoing.  In order to make Eulsukdo a suitable environment for migratory birds, a living-in system of amenities like restaurants and stores is restricted as well as vehicle traffic.

Kim Chan-suk (Myungjy dong) said, "Except for Eulsukdo, near Saha district, there is barely any place where my kids can play around.  Here (Eulsukdo) seems to be the best place children can play around enjoying nature."  Eulsukdo has overgrown reeds and water plants which are adequate place for migratory birds to live.  Further, this place was built for the sake of nature, a sustainable nature preservation with a creative eco-friendly park.

By reporters Choi Jung-in, Choi Na-ry  
동아대학보 제1074호 (2009. 11. 9)

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