Only do you drink coffee and talk in Cafe
Only do you drink coffee and talk in Cafe
  • 박이슬
  • 승인 2010.05.03 12:33
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Only do you drink coffee and talk in Cafe 
최종수정일 / 2009년 12월 04일
It is not the place that just drink coffee and talk, cafe. Many university students and an office workers studies and reads book in the cafe, not library. Because of this tendency, coffee shops offer delicious cake and coffee(this is the basic service), stock a coffee shop with books, and install a place that can hold group study and seminar. On weekdays at 3 p.m. Haeundae S coffee specialty store, in dull inside cafe, some people read books and did something with their notebook with coffee. Jang Tae-yoon who is major International Tourism, sophomore, use this cafe three times a week. She always brought a MP3 and usually use cafe to read a book and study. She explain the reason why she love cafe "Cafe is not tight space, because there are little people at weekdays, I can smell aroma of freshly brewed coffee with silence. Seoul which have developer cafe culture comparatively is similar. Se-jong university senior student who major the computer department of technology, Park A-rum, usually use the cafe rather than library to study and read a book. She said that "I like aspect of cafe in that more freely than library, and sofa is more softer than library chair. Whether or not the fact that I can refill the coffee is important standard." Han Yang university senior student who major industrial design, Seo Moon-kyung use cafe to sketch alone. There are many people whom use the cafe to read a book and study alone, the other side, cafe used for study gathering space. Kim who is prepare for employment have study gathering in T cafe located in Seo-Myun. "This cafe build for the speciality store for study, it is comfortable that install a notebook and project system." But Kim said that "It is expensive to use the cafe. So I move the library study room. Current in Busan, there are novelty cafe such as bookcafe that stock a coffee shop with books, a foreign language cafe that can learn the living communication from the native speaker, seminar cafe used meeting space and workshop for enterprise, job cafe that offer the information for the employment. Cafe become a space that reflect the young people's culture beyond the concept of drinking a tea. Europe exceed traditional cafe that more than 100 years. Harry Poter series birthed in the little cafe near the Joen K Rolling's house who is author of Harry Poter series. The times that people use the beeper vogue the cafe that installed a telephone. Cafe culture have been evolve into Book cafe, fortune cafe, gallery cafe. What is the next direction of cafe culture that shows a young people's concern such as study foreign language, employment, own's development. November 19th 2009 By reporter Choi

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