[Movie Review]Motorcycle Diaries
[Movie Review]Motorcycle Diaries
  • 박이슬
  • 승인 2010.05.03 12:35
  • 댓글 0
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[Movie Review]Motorcycle Diaries
최종수정일 / 2009년 12월 10일
"I do not know how to satisfy my dreaming soul, and I am sick of medical school, hospitals and exams.  My wanderings all over the American continent changed me more than I can recognize."

The Motorcycle Diaries is a movie about Che Guevara, a well-known Cuban revolutionist, whose travels took him to South America in his early days.  This is a road movie about the events that happen to two young people as they travel.

Born to a well to do family in Argentina and about to graduate from a medical college, he makes a decision to travel around South America with his friend Alberto Granado, a biochemist, relying on an old motorcycle.  They cross the Andes and Peruvian desert and go over the Amazon.  But traveling is hard because of poor  lodgings and food and many kinds of misunderstandings.  Their destination is San Pablo, Peru, the largest leper colony in South America.  He sympathized with the patients, and he genuinely cared them with his firend Alberto.

This movie focuses more on Che's warm-hearted aspect than his politics.  He is sensible to irrationality of South America on his travels.  This travel makes him feel that all men are equal and that he has a responsibility to change society.  Che says, "This travel made me come nearer to the meaning of the human."  Through his travels, he gained a better understanding of South America and became a better revolutionist.  Later, Che set up a new Communist Party with Fidel Castro, who became the political leader of Cuba after succeeding in the revolution, launching guerilla warfare and breaking Cuba's Batista government. Also, he launched guerilla warfare to change Third World nations like Bolivia and  Congo until he died. Che is familiar to us, even as hero of Cuba in the distance.  
The movie opened in 2004, directed by Walter Salles, a Brazilian director.

By reporter Park Yi-seul
동아대학보 제1075호 (2009. 12. 7)

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  • 등록일 : 2017-04-05
  • 발행일 : 2017-05-01
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