[Current World] Worldwide Christians
[Current World] Worldwide Christians
  • 박이슬
  • 승인 2010.05.03 12:35
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[Current World] Worldwide Christians
최종수정일 / 2009년 12월 10일
When December comes, a festive mood sweeps over the whole world and people, including those who are not Christian.  Children wait for Santa Claus as they hang their red socks, families together make a Christmas tree, streets are shining, and couples and families enjoy Christmas.  Christmas is a special day all over world.  

In the 13th century, in the Netherlands, a special belief about Saint Klaus spread.  He is riding a white horse.  He gives gifts to good children and a white birch to bad children.  This is the origin of Santa Claus.  

Santa Claus is universally known as giving gifts to children on a snowy night with Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer leading his sleigh.  

But Australia, which is located in the Southern Hemisphere, greets Christmas when the weather is midsummer.  So there is a joke that Santa Claus of Australia wears red panties and comes riding on a surf board.  But the nation of Australia is widely excited by Christmas.  Since the weather is hot, they wear knee pants and half-sleeves except when they enjoy the party. (They wear fur hats at the party.)  The nation of Australia enjoys its holiday during the whole of December.  Also, the preceding weekend of Christmas is Boxing Day.  On this day, every department store and present shop are crowded with people who want to buy gifts.  The gift that they buy on this day is given as a present to family and friends.  

The country of the Netherlands holds the festival on November 15th, celebrating the coming of Santa Claus to Amsterdam.  But Netherlands considers Santa Claus's birthday on December 5th more important than November 15th.  In the Netherlands Santa Claus visits door-to-door on a white horse.  Children are full of anticipation during these days when Santa Claus and Black Fit (those who help Santa Claus give presents to children wearing a primary color) visit their house.  According to tradition, Santa Claus throws in the chimney gifts, candies, and cookies going up roof.  At this time children put the carrots and chaff in their shoes to tempt the white horse.  On the morning of December 5th, the whole viallage is in a festive mood. People wearing very odd and funny clothes sing a Christmas Carol door-to-door.

On the other hand, in Japan, whose population of Christians is 0.5%, Christmas is not a holiday.  So they can't enjoy Christmas Eve.  Instead, they celebrate a royal birthday on December 23th.

By reporter Choi Jung-in
동아대학보 제1075호 (2009. 12. 7)

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