Volunteering is not giving but sharing
Volunteering is not giving but sharing
  • 박이슬
  • 승인 2010.05.03 12:36
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Volunteering is not giving but sharing
최종수정일 / 2009년 12월 10일
사진 : ▲ Members of Dasom Angel are volunteering.
To help the poor, local governments throughout the country are continuing welfare programs such as 'Kimchi Making'.  Other organizations including corporations, learning foundations, and foreigners' welfare have also pitched in a variety of ways to help the poor and the old.

Busan also offers a variety of volunteer programs.  Last November 22 reporters participated in the Dasom Angel, repairing a house in Junpo-dong, Busanjin-gu, Busan.  Some 14 people ranging from high school to college to a regular citizen did voluntary service by repairing that house.  

The landlord, Yang Yeong-sook, lives on a small income that her children send.  She can no longer work after injuring herself at work.  

The selection of unfortunate neighbors is made by the Busan Volunteer Center.  There are 155 volunteer organizations registered in the Volunteer Center.  Volunteer organizations are, divided into services for the handicapped children, the elderly, and women.  Dasom Angel is devoted to repairing houses around Busanjin-gu, Busan.  

Lee Cheol-woo (Busan National University student on leave of absence) said, "Instead of wasting my time, I'm glad I can participate as a volunteer at least once a month.  Without special conditions, you can volunteer for most things.  I wish more students would participate.  Seok Hyo-seon (Catholic University of Pusan, Junior) has volunteered since she was a high school student, and she majors in social welfare.  

She said, "Owing to studies, it was difficult to volunteer steadily.  But when I went to the rehabilitation center and the family there recognized me, I was fulfilled.  If one has the will, one can volunteer at least once a month."

Another volunteer, a banker, Song said, "At first, because of the company work, volunteering was a burden, and I wondered whether I could steadily do it."

"It is important that you have face to face contact.  Everything is your will and there is no compulsion.  I wish volunteering would come naturally to me. After a rough day at work filled with complaints, when volunteering I feel as if I had a good day."  

They replaced the wallpaper and floor paper.  Roh Chang-il, who was a  leader, undertook work to fix the electricity.  Because of his business related to electricity, he gave a professional helping hand more than anyone else.  He emphasized, "I often noticed that some students volunteered as a duty.  I would rather see them volunteer out of a pure desire to help."

There are many volunteer organizations at our school such as △Ba-sim △ Rotaract △L.E.O △Sang-at-dea △MRA △Na-num △Ho-u-hoi △National.  

Rotaract, a voluntary service club, is supported by the International Rotary Foundation.  There is one such club in each district in Busan.  The Rotaract of our university has 20~30 persons a school year.  They volunteer at a nursing home, a tournament and a festival on even number Saturdays twice a month.  As the club members are close, it promotes friendship among the members as they perform service together.  It also asks members to do voluntary service as it is undertaken together and not in isolation.  Also, active members earn two school credits.  Kim Jea-hyung (Sophomore, Industrial and Management Systems Engineering), the president of Rotaract, said, "We gather because we like people.  One feels fulfillment volunteering with fellow members and sympathizing with unfortunate neighbors.  I hope our school's students participate more in voluntary organizations."

Also, you can donate money directly at a city hall or district office.  You can provide free tutoring for students of low-income groups.  These days we build high walls around ourselves because of the busy life we lead.  How about lowering these walls and helping neighbors in need   It is a way to gain fulfillment.

By reporters  Park Chan-young, Park Yi-seul   
동아대학보 제1075호 (2009. 12. 7)

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