A heavy snow and a cold wave… Environmentally frie
A heavy snow and a cold wave… Environmentally frie
  • 박이슬
  • 승인 2010.05.03 12:37
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A heavy snow and a cold wave… Environmentally friendly practices for university students
최종수정일 / 2010년 01월 08일

        Each country's plan to reduce carbon dioxide seems ready to be actualized by UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen, which ended last December 18.  China and India, United States of America promised to reduce greenhouse gas by respectively  40%, 25%, 17% more in 2020 than in 2005.  Also, President Lee Myung-bak urged "action through an attitude of not waiting for you first but acting first voluntarily" in his Copenhagen keynote address. But, 'Climate crisis' is just far country story to university students who is bumped in employment hardship and is concerned with their own development.  If they search a little, they will find environment exercise federation in each city and contest exhibit related to environment waiting for their participation.

        Annual mean temperature of Seoul was standard 13.3℃ in 2007, which rose 2.4℃ in the past 100 years, and Korea Peninsula annual mean temperature is 13℃ rising 1.7℃.  It is 3 times higher compared to world average of 0.8℃.  Also, the mean sea level geometrical ratio of the East Sea is 5.4mm, 1.7 times higher than the  world average.

        The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)'s 'Climate fluctuation synthesis report' about UN climate fluctuation predicted, "If temperature of the earth multiplies 1℃ maximum, 1700 million people will experience shortage of water tribe, and when multiply 2℃, 3 million people will face threat of flood.  If it climbs 3℃, 100 million will face threat of famine.

        The change is threatening our life currently.  From the last end of the year, unusual change of weather was happening in global village everywhere such as heavy snow, heavy rain, flood.  In China, it snowed heavily in 59 years and Britain was vexed because of cold wave once in 30 years.  Also, heavy rain continued more than ten days in Australia.  Airplane and passenger ship were disrupted because of heavy snow from last January 3 in the Korea and paralyzed cities.

        Specialists are analyzing “This unusual change of weather is due to the El Nino, La Nina phenomenon.  These happened because of earth mode of life system collapsed due to global warming.”

△Copyrights Ministry of Environment, example public subscription to reduce food trash until 22 day

        In climate fluctuation, there are a lot of causes such as disposable product, trash, increase of car possession.  Specially, when food trash, methane (CH4) is released.  This is specified as one of the six greenhouse gases with carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide etc.  And it contributes to global warming, occupying 15% of the 55%.  According to the Korea Industry Technology Institute data, food trash that weigh 11,464 tons a day in 2004 increase by 14,452 tons in 2007 costing an annual 18 trillion won resource waste, becoming a serious social problem.

        The Ministry of Environment have laid several countermeasures to reduce food garbage with volume-rate garbage disposal system trial, restaurant crackdown, but there was no effect.  So, to reduce food trash through practice and example, contests were held to garner ideas.  This contest is divided into adult, university student, teenager class and collection method can be done on its exhibit homepage (www.foodwaste.co.kr) on-line.  Closing date is by January 22.

△Whole country university students' environment union part 'UNEP ANGELS'

        In addition, there is a way for university students to take part in environmental protection.  UNEP angel is whole country university student environment volunteerism activity that keeps branches in Seoul, Pohang, Busan, Daejeon, Taegu, Gwangju.  Every year, the UNEP National Committee for the Republic of Korea educates and holds events for its citizens on environment related issues.  Also, it offers older persons and children opportunity of learn about the environment by holding various seminars.

        They invite university student and graduate student through homepage (www.unepangel.net) at the end of February and late August every year.

△BFEM, To keep country environment and area ecosystem

        In the Busan Federation for Environmental Movement (BFEM), university students are practicing environment protection by making up the subcommittees.  The BFEM, which started in 1989, divides members divided into active person who works on the environment campaign and volunteer worker who works on the citizen's campaign.  These act variously in areas such as food preservation, hazardous substance exclusion, climate fluctuation prevention countermeasure establishment.  Volunteer worker helps each field of activity with data, information analysis and administration. Also, they supplement parts that the active persons do not.

        An exercise union official said, "Four River Restoration Project and climate fluctuation have caused an uproar in society recently.  In these situations, I wish students were interested about the environment.  If you work at least a little, the environment can improve."

        Accumulate various experiences through winter vacation by doing some activity connected with the environment.  

By reporter Park Chan-young
Jan 7, 2010

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