What is in 'L' Hotel, Busan
What is in 'L' Hotel, Busan
  • 박이슬
  • 승인 2010.05.03 12:37
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What is in 'L' Hotel, Busan 
최종수정일 / 2010년 02월 03일
In the middle of the film, Josee, the Tiger and the Fish, Josee, who is the main actress, went and saw a tiger to keep her old promise, which was, in the future, whenever she is in love then she will go and see the scariest one in her imagination.  If she lived in Busan, she would go to this place rather than go on Safari.

Among the guests who came down to have their breakfast, more than ten children seemed to adhere to a transparent glass wall, in Peninsula Restaurant of Lotte department store, Seo-myeon.  What they watched with googly eyes, through the window was Sejar, which is a 7-year-old tiger regarded as a Bengal tiger.  Sejar was donated from the Rusia circus band after their performance at the Las Vegas Theater in Lotte Hotel, 4 years ago. And he became a robust tiger.  

With this year being 2010, which is believed to be the White-tiger's year, not to be surpassed till 2070, there are increasing number of people who visit that place to see a tiger with higher attention.  Since a long time ago, in East Asia, people are apt to see a tiger as a mystical creature which is believed to bring fortune and misfortune in and out.  Further, it is barely easy to see a tiger amid the downtown area because of its aggression.  That is why Peninsula Restaurant is always crowded with visitors.

The tiger, cared for in 5cm bulletproof glasses, was mysterious, walking leisurely next to the table where people were having meals.

Seo Jung-woo, manager of the res-taurant, said "Because of the belief that they can get energy from a tiger, this place is popular for meetings.  Actually, 'Gold Miss Diary', a variety show,  was broadcasted with subject being celebrities' meeting with common people a few days ago.

As a tiger is regarded as the king of beasts, care costs are expensive.  According to the Lotte Hotel, they spend 5 million won caring for the tiger a month.  The tiger is cared for by a zookeeper and eats 5 raw chicken a day.  Seo said, "Too much eating may cause the tiger to be because of obesity" and "The zookeeper pays close attention to the way the tiger moves in winter."

You can always see the tiger in the Peninsula restaurant, operated from 6:30 a.m until 10 p.m.

Reporter by Choi Na-ry,  Park Yi-seul
No.1076 MONDAY January 18, 2010

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