Whatever You imagine, You'll see a Tiger!
Whatever You imagine, You'll see a Tiger!
  • 박이슬
  • 승인 2010.05.03 12:38
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Whatever You imagine, You'll see a Tiger!
최종수정일 / 2010년 02월 03일
Tiger is the animal of 2010, which is the year of Kyung-in.  Especially year of Kyung-in is the year of the white tiger.  People felt the eternal and unchangeable power of the white tiger as guard of the nation.  Not only general tigers but also white tigers were idolized and venerated.  White tigers have been considered an animal that was given from sky for saving the king of Korea since old times.  Thus it has been said that "White tigers were given a warm reception."  

We have prepared articles about Tiger as a special edition of a New Year issue.  Chewing over tiger's bravery, wisdom, and virtue of elegance, we try to get a profitable result.

'Year of White Tiger,'  The origin and truth

2010 is the year of Kyung-in, which is the year of White Tiger, especially returning after 60 years.  It is established theory that year of Kyung-in symbolizes White Tiger because 'Kyung(庚)' means white color and western side.

Tiger has a special meaning since old times for the Korean people.  Tiger is the only living existence among the Celestial Four GODs (Cheong-ryong, Baek-ho, Ju-jack, Hyun-mu) which is in China's traditional tale.  Thus our race has considered tiger an object of belief which can connect with a mountain god.  Futhermore, shape of Korea territory looks like tiger.  Tiger has become the animal representing Korea like a China's dragon or India's elephant.

Even though a tiger is wild beast able to kill humans, tiger has been considered familiar animal because tigers commonly used to appear in traditional fairy tale and folk tales.  The reason why tiger often appeared in old story is that tiger became standard animal representing our ethnic life.  
Frankly, Korea had been called 'Ho Dam Country(虎談國)' in that there are so many stories about tigers.  Also tiger appeared at the birth myth of the nation.  In this way tiger has been the part of our life.  

If so, why become lighthearted for this year of the white tiger   In truth a tiger with white fur is recessive compared to a tiger with yellow fur.  So there is likely to be a mutation, which was interpreted as an auspicious animal in folklore.  

Is it so   There is a common saying that if a woman sees a tiger in a precreative dream about the birth of a child, the dream means honor, power, and victory to child in future.  Also, this year, 'Year of the White Tiger', estimate that birthrate may be high as last 2007, which was the 'Year of the Golden Pig'.

Then, what works were in the South Korea on past 'Year of the White Tiger'   In 1890, Emperor Gojong proceeded modernization policy, that is policy that brought superior mechanical civilization of America to protect the Joseon.  Also the Dongguk Munhunbigo(東國文獻備考) that modified civilization and system of the Joseon was completed in 1770.  In this way, much was gained in terms of social and cultural fruit in the 'Year of the White Tiger' like a dignified and intelligent tiger.

On the other side, similar to a tiger's violent and fierce tendencies, there were a lot of national historical tragedies including the war.  In 1170, the regime of retainers attached a military(武臣政權) was launched because of the revolt, and the Korean War burst in 1950, 'Year of The White Tiger.'

Then, how are specialists forecasting this year   The writer of Trend Korea 2010, Kim Nan-do, professor affiated with the Department of Constumer Studies Resource Management, College of Human Ecology, Seoul National University, compressed economy trend as 'Tigeromics'.

In this book, he extracted △Time for Korean chic(age that the South Korea rises great) △End of taboos(every taboo becomes not existed)  △Manner matters by trend of this year(age that manners get into competitive power) by trend of this year.  

Also, 2010 Trends Wave produced by MBC is speaking of a culture trend of this year and Korea Trade-investment Promotion Agency(KOTRA) is reporting industry tendency of all the world through a book of 2010 Blue Ocean Consumer.

Digital viewers can know through  Insite 2010 that is published by SBS SEOUL digital Forum executive office.

And if you want to forecast this year using simple keyword, you can know through the book of Kim Min-ju(representative Lead & Leader Corp), 2010 Trends Keyword.  

As Year of the White Tiger, let's make this year the one that overflows with energy and prepares you to take off for your dream.

Reporters by Choi Jung-in, Park Chan-young
No.1076 MONDAY January 18, 2010

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