The Last Night in London
The Last Night in London
  • 박이슬
  • 승인 2010.05.03 12:39
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The Last Night in London
최종수정일 / 2010년 02월 19일
        When I decided to travel in Europe by myself, I felt fear rather than excitement. How do I, who can't speak English well, 22 years old, finish my travel safely in a strange land like Europe.  I don't know whether I will come back to Korea.  But when I arrived in London after flying for twelve hours, all things were easier than I thought from finding a hostel and riding the subway and a double decker bus after passing through immigration.  Perhaps because I thought 'I won't have any problems here where common people are living'.  Tonight in London is the fifth night and I am in a cafe and can see the Thames river.  I have time to write.

        London is a tourist's city.

        I chose a hostel to travel properly though I could have chosen a Korean house.  Everyday somebody came and left my six bed room during my stay of five days.  There were a Brazilian and a Canadian and a New Zealander.  As this hostel is a tourist's accommodation, it is good to meet many foreigners.  When I am walking on the street, I 'really' meet tourists, strapping a backpack and holding a map many times because London is a representative travel destination.  So I don't have any reason to feel awkward.  Several times, Londoners came up and helped me when I wandered about a street clumsily.  Londoners are kind to tourists.  

        London has a good subway line and bus line.  Tourists can go any place.  Main tour destinations are in one-two zone.  Tourists don't need to go far away.  Sometimes I walked.  It was nice when I was walking in London.

        The best thing for a tourist was that most museums were free.  It was cool to see famous art and sculptures up close and for free.

        Kaleidoscope of London

        It is said that London weather is unpredictable.  Actually, today the morning was foggy and seemed to threaten rain.  But the afternoon was clear and the night view was amazing owing to warm and sunny weather.  You have to think whether to take an umbrella or not.  Yesterday was a rainy day but anyone who is a Londoner did not open an umbrella.  Occasionally someone who puts up an umbrella was a traveller.  

        Walking down a London road is attractive to me, so I stopped to look around.  In front of the wonderful building, there seemed to be a museum, but the building was a villa, restaurant or movie theater.  All of downtown London's buildings are more than 200 years old.  It is harmonious that wonderful building such as church, temple and museum mix well with modern structures along the Thames River.  Anywhere I take a picture in London, it looks like a postcard.  Time passes so quickly that there is no time to put down a camera.  

        Traveling alone in Europe has many advantages

        Traveling alone has more advantages than disadvantages.  First one is really free in regard to time, feelings, thinking at a museum, a gallery, a cafe, and also on a street.  It is good to give utterance to your thoughts, but if you are by yourself, you can feel more freedom in your mind.  So it is good to experience alone by traveling alone.

        The best thing is to meet good people.  I met many at a moment of feeling lonely.  I met other tourists, talked with them and accompanied them.  Also tourists separate naturally at the end of the road.  It just may be destiny to pass by.  When traveling alone, one goes near and people come near.  (I'm confronted with a difficult problem.  Anyhow I must survive.  It is like survival). Sometimes we shared information with each other and saw the performance and had a dinner together.  And then if I met a Korean, it was so pleasant to say 'well, Are you Korean '.

        I met a Korean tourist by chance.  I asked him where he will go.  He didn't know his next destination.  He bought only an airline ticket.  He was 'really' traveling wherever his legs took him.

        I'm going to go to Belgium tomorrow.  Actually I already decided to travel to 9 countries for 25 days, but I don't know now.  I unfolded my schedule once for 5 days in London.  I want to travel freely.

February 18th
By reporter Park yi-seul

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