[Book Review]Life Lessons
[Book Review]Life Lessons
  • 박이슬
  • 승인 2010.05.03 12:39
  • 댓글 0
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[Book Review]Life Lessons
Learning how to live through death [영어뉴스]
최종수정일 / 2010년 03월 10일
As busy people in modern society, we could forget learning something from our way of life.  It is not like studying textbook, but having experience to make mistake and have happiness and loss.

Starting new things a lot has many ends.  If you think you have a great feeling of loss, it proves that you have tried enormous things in your life.  You don't need to regret your previous mistakes because certainly it is better than doing nothing.

The co-author is Elizabeth Kubler-Ross, pioneer of hospice care and psychologist, and David Kessler, who is her disciple and co-worker.  They did what ordinary people cannot even imagine doing.  After having made a list of what we have to learn through the life based on interviewing hundreds of people who were about to die, they organized it in the form of a lecture such as 'Realizing who am I', 'Understanding of Love and Relationship', 'Feeling of Loss and Parting', 'Proper Attitude of Learning and How to Forgive People' and 'Recover Ourselves and Live Enthusiastically'.  Their main teaching motto is LIVE, LOVE, and LAUGH.

The main characters, who are real, of this book, are people who are about to die, and they  more know than anyone the meaning of life because they see a life most accurately when they reach the last stop of their life.  

When reading this book, we are reading each sentence and each word meaningfully.  While reading this book, we are thinking, learning and reflecting owing to writing that comes from the heart.

One is changed by a vision of life meeting a death.  This learning is more meaningful in life.  But to get the learning, are we waiting for the last breath   Can't we learn right now   What learning does a life demand   There is much to learn in life, which can be learned in one life.  We will not have to die to live truly.  It is important to feel through this book and look back over a life one more time and get a position of learning to the future.  

No.1077 MONDAY March 8, 2010

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