“We are in Korea No, we are abroad”
“We are in Korea No, we are abroad”
  • 박이슬
  • 승인 2010.05.03 12:40
  • 댓글 0
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[Around Us] "We are in Korea  No, we are abroad"
Dong-A Global Zone [영어뉴스]
최종수정일 / 2010년 03월 10일

During the winter semester of 2009, Dong-A University was busier than ever, reconstructing facilities to show students their new feature.  The newest one among them is 'Global Zone', established in December.  The Global Zone is to help students develop both the skill of speaking foreign languages and exchange different cultures, and is situated on the 4th floor at College of Humanities building in Seung-hak Campus.    

No more boring style of studying

Unlike other English cafes, it is a systematic and distinguished program.  Hence it holds the spotlight nowadays.

Event and lectures program allows students to acquire more detail about the sense of Western cultures and their value by inviting off-campus lectures.  It allows whoever  wants to come every two hours, three times a week with no reservation needed.  Another program, 'Speaking & Writing' is to get students' English composition looked over through the one to one and sole prior booking systems.  Since students have the advantage of extending speaking class time up to a hour by group, the booking rate of this class is continuously rated  over 80%.  Kim Jeong-hwa, the manager of Global Zone, said, "There are increasing number of students who are satisfied with 'one to one system', and believe that it will bring their skill to the higher level."

Main point is good atmosphere

Everything in Global Zone involves the study of foreign languages.  

Through 4 TV sets in Global Zone, students can watch live public broadcast airings of China, Japan, America, and U.K respectively.  Further, there are diverse books and magazines with not only English version, but also Chinese, Japanese, and even Korean.  

Seo Jae-hee(Chinese Literature, Senior) said "I was very afraid of speaking English at first and doubted whether it was correct.  But due to comfortable atmosphere of Global Zone, I have freely been able to study it with reading English books, and practicing  listening, and now I have confidence back."  She also attempts to study Chinese by watching CCTV, which is a public broadcasting station in China.  Kim Jeong-hwa said, "We set various kinds of facilities for students such as related books, listening machine and so forth.  Global Zone staffs also encourage students to rid them of the fear of speaking English."  

Time to give it a shot

Mary MacCaffery, an English conversation instructor, working at Global Zone suggests "Not only students who learn something from here, but I am also pleased learning Korean culture by talking with them."  She added, "Even native speakers sometimes make grammatic mistakes.  The importance is to get started studying as if you made a new friend through trial and error."

Global Zone is open Monday to Friday with foreign lectures.  So students can visit there anytime.  If you are aiming at 'Mastering English', it is time to try using Global Zone.

No.1077 MONDAY March 8, 2010

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