Tips for New Start
Tips for New Start
  • 박이슬
  • 승인 2010.05.03 12:40
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Tips for New Start
최종수정일 / 2010년 03월 10일

Spring is already in the air.  In March Dong-A university does not fail to greet freshmen.  Welcoming them to the new semester, we introduce the way of study of each field.  Engineering requires discernment, rationality, and a definite answer.  Arts and Physical Education draws breath with passion and sweat.  Liberal Arts evokes an image of intellectual calm.  What's your relevant field   

Engineering: Go back to basics.

Most students who major in engineering indulge themselves in their studies.  Han Hye-young(Korea University of Technology and Education, senior), who majors in information technology engineering said that "I don't have time to meet my friends because of studying and there are countless night to sit up all night for preparing report."

According to information technology engineering major professor Lee Woo-young from Korea University of Technology and Education, in his engineering study, to answer the question exactly the way it is written in its answer sheet doesn't mean that one really spent time to understand it.  "I thought of this and this is how I set the equation and I came up with the answer" is the right way to answer the question.

Professor Lee says that "In studying engineering, how one comes up with the answer in one's own is the way to determine whether one really studied it or not.  This means that in studying engineering important things are, getting an idea, applying it, criticising it, and then doing reasoning."  He also mentioned that "Because of these characteristics, compared to other subjects that require simple memorization, engineering is very attractive academic area."  

You need basic knowledge to study engineering.  For freshmen who start studying engineering, the simplest rule that he or she should follow is to return to one's first intention.  This means that to build up basics.  Many students who have been studying engineering for  quite some time will tell you that calculus you learned in middle and high school will definitely help you in studying college-level mathematics, and furthermore, engineering.

Byun Seung-kyu, a senior from Pusan National University(Computer Science & Engineering) says that "Without basic math, you will have trouble catching up with stuff when you become a junior or a senior."  He also says that "When an engineer major looks for a job, many companies require mathematical skill because without it, many theoretical materials can be hard to accept."  College math contains more advanced material while relating to some of the materials that you learn in middle and high school.  Professors offer lecture materials that are necessary to complete the major.  Byun Seung-kyu says, "If you took basic courses and did well, you won't have much problem following the course."

Liberal Arts: Be a well-read person.

Foundation of studying Liberal Arts is reading books.  Essence of language is related to thinking.  It means that the range of thinking is restricted by the language you have acquired.  When the contents of a book learner's knowledge and experience mix harmoniously you can develop your capacity of creative and critical thinking.  Once you have many information, you develop those capacities.  So you should read many books.  

In the process of reading many books, you get a lot of knowledge, so you will have a wider context and have a good command of vocabulary.  So your quality of report will get higher and have good performance on academic because capacity of understanding will get higher through reading many books.

To ask advice for reading books, we met Department of Creative writing professor Lee Guk-hwan who not only hosts 'Lee Guk-hwan's Morning Reading' at Busan MBC radio station but also has been selected as the best professor based on students' evaluation of lectures for five years.  Emphasizing how important it is to read a book, he gave his three tips for reading books.  First, he recommends 'Slow Reading'.  He said it is more effective to read one book carefully until comprehending it by heart than to read voluminous books quickly, and suggested writing an essay after reading a book because that process is helpful to make knowledge in the books into yours.  Second, people have to read diverse kind of books to avoid being narrow minded and having prejudice.  Professor Lee said, "I read a fairy tale, which reminds me of childhood innocence, and I read a poem, too,  because that makes my emotion plentiful.  Third one is to throw away the book after reading.  He advised, "It is wrong that the contents of the book would be absolutely right.  When after you cross the river, you should throw away your raft; do not be tied down to the book."

Also professor Lee Guk-hwan emphasized the importance of discussion.  According to him, through the process of comparing their thinking with other different thinking, they can revise and re-establish their thinking.    

Bear in mind what he told, "I desire students who look around the world by their own independent view."  Such independent thinkers are desirable at Dong-A, and by following Professor Lee's advice, students read 100 books and not simply 2.

Physical Affiliation & Arts
: Be healthy! and be creative!

Drawing breath with sweat and passion,living passionate life and learning passion are a pleasure to both freshmen in Dong-A University and enrolled students learning it.  So what uncommon passions are getting students of College of Physical Education and College of Art 

Park Ji-won(Taekwondo, senior) runs lightly around our university everyday to train in basic physical fitness.  He said, "Running with light stretching for twenty minutes a day helps physical fitness really.  It is hard to practice steadily though it looks easy.  I wish that not only College of Physical Education's students but also the others colleges' students practice in basic physical fitness."

They can use a gymnasium and a swimming pool in College of Physical Education of our university at low cost.  

Especially students' College of Physical Education can use it, not having classes and after finishing study.  Chu Pil-sung(Taekwondo, junior) is using a gymnasium in College of Physical Education for lunch time and not having classes in his spare time.  He said, "It is very comfortable to use facilities for free for students of College of Physical Education.  When not having classes, I use it many times."

College of Art needs fresh and creative thought.  Seo Moon-kyeong (Industrial design in Hanyang University, senior) told younger students, "To think creatively, it is important to go to a gallery and read books related to arts individually.  Also you should stimulate touching parts constantly, so you don't lose artistic sense; it needs not only focusing only on studies but also making an personal effort."

Reporter by By reporters Choi Jung-in, Choi Na-ry, Park Yi-seul

No.1077 MONDAY March 8, 2010

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