Do not fish phishing
Do not fish phishing
  • 박이슬
  • 승인 2010.05.03 12:40
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Do not fish phishing
최종수정일 / 2010년 03월 19일

Jang Seung-ju (International tourism, sophomore), who is in the military service now, experienced exorbitant happening the other day.  Someone who disguised himself as a predecessor called his mother.  He said that "Seung-ju bled a lot.  He was injured during military training, so he needs emergency surgery.  The swindler attempted to use mother's instinctive love and swindle the cost of emergency surgery.  His mother nearly fainted but hanged up the phone.

Similar to this example, the ways of voice and messenger phishing have evolved cleverly and total cases have increased gradually.

Phishing is the method by which private information from financial institution is gathered illegally and used.  The origin of the word 'Phishing' has two roots.  First one is from the words "private data" and "fishing."  Second one is "fishing" but the methods of camouflage are "sophisticated" so the word phishing is used.  Voice phising uses telephone; messenger phishing uses internet messenger to find private data to use illegally.

In the case of messenger phishing, Choi Bo-ram, who is a student at Korea Maritime University (Department of Logistics and Engineering, Senior) said, "Currently a close friend sent me a message saying that 'I'm in needy circumstances, so send money to my account' through the messenger, so I called her to respond and was willing to send money but she had never sent a message."  She was surprised that that the person who sent a message would be her friend but the person  was a swindler.

There is rampant fraud through the use of characteristics of internet messengers in that there is no voice and talk during the communication.  For this reason security must be tightened.

The typical example is Nate On, which is typical of Korea messenger industry, and the national police agency distributed ten commandments of phishing protection to protect against fraud cases.  
1. Password of messenger should be changed periodically.
2. Delete messenger ID that is not used and buddy list.
3. Withdraw from sites which are joined for the short term.
4. Administer each ID and Password differently.
5. Update messenger to a recent version and set-up security level to the highest.
6. Install security vaccine and update periodically.
7. Ask buddy immediately to stop to remit if you think messenger phishing, report police and bank.
8. Identify when someone asks for money; do not remit under disguised ownership.
9. Update recent version of internet browser and using function of security and utilize actively.
10. Enforce the examination of security in case of using communal PC and logout after using.

As students go online, it is easy to be exposed to fraud.  I wish Dong-A university students acquaint themselves with the ten commandments of phishing protection and deal with that  situation wisely.

2010 March 11th
By reporter Choi Jung-in

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