[Book Review]That Was Love
[Book Review]That Was Love
  • 박이슬
  • 승인 2010.05.03 12:42
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[Book Review]That Was Love
최종수정일 / 2010년 04월 07일
'Do what makes your heart beat!'  This was said by Han Bee-yah when she appeared on the TV show 'Knee of Fortune Teller',which is one of the popular programs of Goldfish.  She wished to work in dangerous disaster site to save wounded people till the end of her life.  Her altruism attracted audience and recorded 17.6% viewing rate.  

All of her 8 books are popular and reached the bestseller lists so far.  Her first books--Her Story, The Journey 3 and 1/2 Laps Around the World on Foot (Entire series are 4)--are about people whom she met everywhere on her journeys for 7 years and contain records of travel on land 15 years ago.  That book gives readers who were tired of living new impression.  The second book is The Daughter of Shylph, Now Standing on Our Land.  That book is the story about travel notes walking from Haenam, known as end-of-the-land of Jeonranamdo, to Unification Observatory of Kangwondo for 49 days.  The third book is Han Bee Yah's Record of Personal Experience(China).  This book is about close and various experiences gained from China and her self-enlightenment when she was in China.  And the fourth book, March Toward Outside of the Map, is site report of World Emergency Aid since 2001 and living report of new role model in that she lived freely.  Whenever she experienced new thing she wrote an essay.  In this way she provides youth opportunity to experience indirectly through reading her books.

That Was Love was the most recently published book.  This book  was written during her transition period.  She was the team leader of relief for 9 years.  Through the period she realized that policies of each government and relief organization are difficult to apply actual site.  So she quit the team leader of relief provisionally to study theory of relief.  Ultimately she wants to graft theories of relief and actual site.    

This book contains encouragement from her with quiet and energetic voice for young people who are undergoing growing pains such as worry about future and nervous about all of uncertain situation.
You can commune with the author and learn through reading this book that relief activities are more valuable work than earning much money.  Doing what her heart dictates, she can sympathize with the happiness and sadness of others.  Also she challenges herself to better herself and to appreciate small things.

In recent years, Han Bee-yah has been chosen as one of the role models.  It seems that she makes new standard of success evaluation as not money but living freely, a life helping others being full of value in a capitalistic society.

I look forward to her next book about her vivid experiment and emotion after she completes her Master of Arts in Humanitarian Assistance at Tufts University.

Reporter Choi Jung-in
No.1078 MONDAY April 5, 2010

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