[Around Us]Broaden your sight with great opportuni
[Around Us]Broaden your sight with great opportuni
  • 박이슬
  • 승인 2010.05.03 12:43
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[Around Us]Broaden your sight with great opportunities
최종수정일 / 2010년 04월 07일

In a rapid growing modern society, exchanging experience beyond barriers becomes one of the natural cultures.  Dong-A university getting on the bandwagon also provides various cultural exchange programs to students.  But students are not fully satisfied and still seeking for more opportunities.  More needs students are looking for drives International Fair into the excitement.

Since International Fair or The Korea Study Abroad & Emigration Fair is launched in Korea, it attracts some 70,000 visitors twice  every year.  With rich information about studying abroad students who are intending to go abroad used to visit International Fair to be given advises from a person in that field.  Especially face to face counseling program successively fills both overseas school administrators and students altogether.  Roberta Morgan, an assistant director at Missouri University of Science and Technology, said, "It is very important for international student to come to the United States and for the United States students study internationally.  It helps us to understand one another better" and she added, "The more we know about one another, the better able we are to make our global society better place for everyone.  In that point, this kind of International Fair helps us better understanding about Korean students and their aims."  Steve Ma, one of the visitors and a Professor at Dong-ju College said, "Unlike the past time our generation has been through, these days in the 21st century students are proactive in learning cultures and languages.  As long as they overcame the barrier of learning English, there will be enormous opportunities to be grabbed."

Owing to a characteristic peculiar to Korean students inducing more Korean students with various programs is getting hot-potato to international school organizers.  In particular, 'Erasmus Mundus' program supported by EU(European Union) has been launched as the first in South Korea.  It provides students European higher education with scholarship systems.  Therefore, students can study in any of country which belongs to EU to get master's degree of PhD.  Suh Sim-eun, an manager at Erasmus Mundus cooperation said, "Korea students tend to be very shy at the first time though, they study hard and mingle with foreign friends well.  That is why foreign countries' organizers are keen to welcome Korea students."  Ku Seong-min(Senior, Busan National University) said, "I came here to get some information about studying abroad.  Then I was really impressed by school organizers attempting to recruit Korea students" and he added, "Meeting school related people was very worthy for me.   The useful tips that I learned today, will be put in my place to go overseas.

If you have more passion for improving your personal faculty by studying abroad, you may also look for valuable information outside of the campus which is just waiting for you at the corner.

Reporter Choi Na-ry
No.1078 MONDAY April 5, 2010

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