Talking about Humanities
Talking about Humanities
  • 박이슬
  • 승인 2010.07.09 07:29
  • 댓글 0
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  Mr. Jun Sung-ho, the program director of Busan MBC, said, "To have right values, imagination and direction, we should improve knowledge of humanities." at lecture 'Humanities Contents', hosted by the College of Humanities, last June.  He emphasized that it is important not only to have practical 'Spec' but also to enhance some knowledge of humanities.


  It is the fact that most of university students neglect humanities nowadays.  Since they think it will not help them to get a job.  Humanities, the pure study, is far from learning technology and getting some certifications.  That is why many student prefer to choose economics or business administration than humanities as their major.  This 'Crisis of humanities' was reported in Dong-a university's newspaper last June.


  Humanities is the study of history, literature, philosophy and religious which is based on human reason.  Also, it can be the base of all studies because it studies human itself.  However, after humanities faced an actual crisis, Celebrities, like businessmen and artists, make an effort to emphasize its presence.


  Steve Jobs, the chief executive of Apple emphasizes the importance of humanities as well.  As introducing 'iPad' for the first time, he said "Apple has been always existed between technology and 'liberal arts'", and explained the identity of Apple it has.  He, the global enterpriser, said, "An enterprise is made by 'liberal arts' and 'Nature', not technology·sciences."  Also, director-writer Lee Chang-dong, who has  won an award at the Cannes Film Festival, lectured to the poor.


  We can learn humanities easily by watching TV at home. The national broadcaster K-TV has shown <Humanities Heated Contest> at 5 p.m on Tuesdays.  It helps enhance humanities' knowledge and imagination to viewers. And each expert, as the panel of humanities on contexts, participates in broadcasting.    There are interesting themes for viewers such as 'Philosophical speculation about scientific civilization', 'Ghost in the Joseon Dynasty period', 'life of Leonardo da Vinci' and 'Musicology'.


  Most broadcasting producers don't produce programs related to humanities, because of listener and viewer rating, though they consider the humanities.  But K-TV has shown <Humanities Heated Contest> to purpose that it is necessary to make an effect understanding human-being, as 'Humanities' is surely based on 'Human-being'.


  There is a book, 'Humanities Concert', based on this program.  This book is formed as a conversation between a panel and MC of <Humanities Heated Contest> 14 experts of each field explain why humanities is necessary and what kind of role it performs.  And they introduce contents that we should know about Love, Sex, Nature, Environment, Culture and Society.  This series written by representative scholars will be published like 'East and West Philosophy Concert', 'History Concert' and 'Koreanology Concert', after this 'Humanities Concert'.


  It is good to get some certifications and study English during summer vacation. How about building upright and intelligence, watching an educational program and reading a book?

Reporter Park Yi-seul

2010 July 8th

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