[Current Society]BIFF, BE MY FESTIVAL !
[Current Society]BIFF, BE MY FESTIVAL !
  • 김승언
  • 승인 2011.10.19 04:42
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At the new venue, a new start

▲Busan Cinema Center 〈Photo by Moon Jin-woo(English Department Graduate'85)〉

The 16th Busan International Film Festival (BIFF) will be held from October 6th to 14th for 9 days, around Heaundae Centum City and Nampo-dong. In this film festival, a total of 307 films from 70 countries and 135 world premiere films are expected to be introduced.

 BIFF, Korea's first film festival, was established in 1966 for the purpose of digging out and inspiring talented Asian directors. Another function of this film festival is Busan promotion plan (BPP), which acts as a free market to connect the directors or producers who make Asia's main
movies and the inventors of Europe and America.

Changed BIFF

 Since the BIFF started, there's some big or small changes happening every year, but this year some special changes occurred. Located at the Heaundae Centum City, the great theater only for BIFF was built. The cinema center was designed by Coop Himmelblau, who was selected through the international contest exhibit. He drew big attention from the world before the construction by establishing this building. The number of acceptable seats has grown more than twice the size of last year.

 Becoming established in the Cinema Center, International Film Festival's main stage around Nampo-dong in a theater was changed to Centum City. 4 out of 5 theaters screening invited film are located near the Centum city station, so to say BIFF has changed the whole arena is not an exaggeration.

BIFF, along with college students

 While most of the World Film Festival excluded the public, BIFF broke from the form of a simple visit, attempting to create a new culture so that the general audience could participate actively in the event. The college students also played quite a big role in the festival.

 In May, BIFF recruited volunteers. This year, in each recruit field, about 3,700 people applied for volunteer. This system got a hot response.
The attraction of BIFF

Starting with 'always' BIFF will screen 442 films from all over the world. If you're in the midst of your love, notice this ticket. Midnight Fashion ticket is from 12 in the late night. Watch an outdoor show in three episodes in the late-night movie theater. Cool night breeze would be a better place for lovers. Because of individual screening, there is no need to spend all night for an audience to watch three episodes in a row.

If you fail to obtain the ticket for watching actors treading the red carpet, I suggest you stare at open talk event like 'AJU-DAMDAM' held in open place. What about purchasing the great value ticket, below!

You don't mind about advance ticket because of valid for 3 years and use it without increasing price or additional expense.

- Challenge 5 : 6 episode for price of 5 episodes, The price is 30,000won
- Passion 10 : 13 episode for price of 10 episodes, The price is 60,000won

 If you want to enjoy properly BIFF, aim at the opening of the week until the weekend. The festival reaches its vertex during this period. You can feel properly the atmosphere of the film festival, because of bustling crowd, a lot of sights and things to do. Now, the BIFF's curtain rises. We expect that the BIFF provide the audience to more diversified sights in the new place.

by reporter Lee Young-sil

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