[Current Dong-A]The Dong-A University Museum with
[Current Dong-A]The Dong-A University Museum with
  • 김승언
  • 승인 2011.11.16 20:50
  • 댓글 0
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The Dong-A University Museum with local residents

By last May 2009 our university museum's attendance had increased each year, so now it is the place of cultural life not only for Dong-A persons but local residents. Museum attendance recorded △21,799 in 2009 △26,256 in 2010 and till October 2011, at present, 22,081 people were recorded. The museum said, "Considering the current trends, the total number of visitors this year is expected to exceed 32,000 people."

Our museum has become tour places for kindergarten and elementary, middle and high school students. The number of general audience, as well as foreigners increase, so it records 582 in 2009,  817 in 2010, and October 2011, at present, 726 people visit our museum.

The museum opened on Gudeok campus in November 1959, reopened at the (former) Government building of provisional capital, Busan located in Bumin campus. This building was used for Government building of provisional capital, Busan during the Korean War and after that used for the office of a provincial government and the court. The building is evaluated high enough to be registered as cultural property No.41. Also the museum has a collection of Printed certificate of meritorious court officers for the founding of Joseon and Layout of palace designated as a national treasure, treasures 11 pieces including the Layout of palace, tangible cultural asset 14 pieces designated by Busan etc, variety of rare artifacts and collections are more than 30,000 pieces.
What's more, museum regularly opens to special exhibitions and lectures drawing the visitor's attention. Last June and July, a special exhibition titled 'Little Hope of the Family of Crown Prince So-hyeon' was held and about 50 pieces of treasures No.1660 and No.1661Sacred objects from the interior of a seated wooden Avalokitesvara (the stuff inside of the Buddha's chest have a meaning of faith) were exhibited in the Dong-A university museum.

Dong-A university museum held a special exhibition of wooden furniture marking the museum's 25th anniversary.  It contains various types of furniture and pearl lacquers which were gathered by Dong-A university for last 50 years. This can be great opportunity to see the furniture used by populace and the royal household in comparison.

Exhibition of furniture began on October 29th, and special lecture will be held in the seminar room from November 4th. Admission is available from Monday to Saturday (09:00~17:00, completed entry by 16:30) and there is no admission fee. For more information, please contact the museum (051-200-8493).

Streetcar is also another exhibit worth looking at. Now there're only 3 pieces of modern streetcars left. Two of them are made from Japan and the Dong-A university museum's streetcar is the only one from America. After the electric car system stopped, Dr. Jeong Jae-Hwan, Dong-A founder donated it for teaching students.  From 2011, electric car has been opened to the public in Bumin campus. Since July the number of people to ride a streetcar is 1,333.

Dong-A university museum is welcomed by residents with effort to bring a dynamic events. Park Mee-Oak(52) said, "After this museum opened, surrounding area's more prosperous than before. And I sometimes come here with my neighbors to chat.  Even if we just stay outside of the museum building it has a high value enough. This garden's well kept."
Moreover, as days go by the number of foreign visitors have increased, the museum expanded and improved the facilities for convenient use of foreign visitors. The museum keep a voice guidance machine next to the enterence on the first floor. By paying 1000 won, detailed explanation about every remains would be provided in three languages (English, Chinese and Japanese) and no time limits in the museum building.


 by reporter Lee Young-Sil
▲ Streetcar in Bumin campus

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  • 등록번호 : 대전 가 00000
  • 등록일 : 2017-04-05
  • 발행일 : 2017-05-01
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  • 편집인 : 권영성
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