Busan to be a mecca of the humanity renaissance!
Busan to be a mecca of the humanity renaissance!
  • 김승언
  • 승인 2011.11.16 20:51
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The 1st World Humanities Forum hosted by UNESCO, Busan megalopolis city and Ministry of Education, Science and Technology will be held in Bexco during the date of 24 to 26 this month. At the 65th anniversary of UNESCO establishment, UNESCO Secretary General, Irina Bokova insisted, "Under an uncertain situation caused by constant change, we need to find the answers from humanities about the question, how we can prevent humankind divisions and how to establish a peaceful and developing foundation." Considering Bokova's insistence, the purpose of this forum is to diagnose the present state of the humanities related to the challenges and task human faced and to emphasize the roles of humanities related to this.

During the forum, there will be 3 keynote speeches including Nobel Prize winner for Literature, Jean-Marie G. Le Clezio's speech and 5 conferences which have common subject of multicultural universalism. At the last day of the forum, they will declare the Busan declaration confirming common will to develop humanities after the forum, and to mediate the result of the forum.

Busan Humanity Relay is conducting a lecture to foster humanity for citizen. And in Humanity Community conducted by college students, there will be a supporting activity to foster humanity activities for college student and the activities to publicize the forum. College institute is also holding a lecture of humanity for citizens by the 23rd.

 by reporter Lee Gyung-Won

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