Campus renewed during summer vacation
Campus renewed during summer vacation
  • Lee Yu-jin Repoter
  • 승인 2013.09.25 14:18
  • 댓글 0
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Dong-A University has changed!

 The streets of Seunghak campus’ streets, the College of Natural Resources and Life Science’s back gate Rest-Zones, the College of Engineering building #2, and Bumin campus’s International Center have all experienced makeovers.

▲ The streets of Seunghak campus’ streets.

More specifically, the ‘Street of Youth’ construction plan by Saha-gu office has almost been completed, a project that started in May 2013. You will also notice that Dong-A 2nd Street (main entrance to Hyanghak bookstore) has changed from asphalt to precast pavers, a very nice touch for the college campus, including the Dong-A Street (main entrance to MacDonald). The 108 Stair’s ground that was not included in the construction plan supported by Saha-gu office, which could also be changed into precast pavers. “It is a local policy for main streets around University” Yang Ju-sun, the staff of campus planning and construction management said.

▲ The College of Natural Resources and Life Science’s back gate Rest-Zones.

College of Natural Resources and Life Science’s Rest Zone has also changed where it had been so messy and frequency of use was low. After demolishing the pond and structures, and constructing pergolas, Park Han-muk (Electrical Engineering 4) commented that “the former was too bad to use but after renovating the latter seems like a park and makes me enjoy it.”

And in the College of Engineering building #2, a passenger elevator has been installed, replacing the freight elevator for equipment considered dangerous for students. Engineering building #1 doesn’t have any elevator construction plans due to a shortage of space. Kim Jong-jun, construction staff said: “Although we had tried to finish the project by its completion date, September second, beginning of the semester, it was inevitable to delay.”

There has also been a transformation at the Bumin campus too: a new seminar hall will be built in place of the International building’s first basements (B5-B103, B104). Comparing with DAU hall which is the primary seminar hall for many occasions, the seminar hall is expected to be used as a banquet hall featuring a great location, near many restaurants and attractions. The seminar hall can also play a role as auditorium for small size lectures.

“There has been a large-scale change, which we hope will help students.” Yang (the staff of campus planning and construction management) said. Jung Jae-min (Mathematics 4), General Student Council’s chairman of Student Welfare also said “The General Student Council worked to install CCTV in International building’s locker zone and Students’ Hall door lock due to many recommendations. We will continually try to fulfill our public pledges and students’ welfare.”

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