Don't let the cold weather keep you from being active!
Don't let the cold weather keep you from being active!
  • 영어뉴스편집국
  • 승인 2013.11.18 15:08
  • 댓글 0
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George Khoury English instructor

 The cold winds have blown back into town, and they’ll be here to stay for the next few months. The nights are longer, days much shorter, and the deceptive winter sun can’t keep us warm for long. However, wintertime shouldn’t mean inactivity. We still need to be active, exercise, get out of the house and do things. Humans need physical activity and without it, we are likely to experience lower energy levels and less motivation to be enthusiastic about anything, which can possibly mean the winter blues. There are many ways to work with the cold weather that do not require spending a bunch of money on a Thailand vacation, but will require a little toughness in the face of the cold, and could result in a happier, energetic, and maybe a more enlightened winter. Here is one plan you can follow for an active day (or days), followed by other inexpensive ideas.

First, the Busan Museum of Modern Art in Centum is a great place to spend an afternoon walking around indoors. The museum has a worldwide collection of modern works from some of the greatest artists of the 21st century. In addition to the current Kim Bong Tae exhibit, you can find works by American pop artist icon Andy Warhol, Spanish surrealist artist Salvador Dali, among so many more. The three-story museum provides a spacious setting for exercising your body, mind, and imagination. When finished, walk over to Bexco convention center for a peak into whatever convention that maybe going on. From comic book, gaming, to medical technology conventions, there is usually something unique and new happening there that might be of interest. Infact, the G-Star gaming conference begins this week and lasts till November, 18th! So far, if you’ve followed this plan, you’ve paid little to no money for this experience. And you can continue on this thrifty yet active adventure by heading underground to Shinsegae’s bottom floor. Spend sometime taking in the various foods and restaurants that are offered and continue up each floor, take the stairs for some variation from walking. There are a number of stores to browse the latest in fashion, technology, and literature. And finally, you may want to spend some won on an ice skating experience or play some video games. However, maybe you have done this plan before and want something different. Well, perhaps a bus to another city’s museum and business district can be the new experience you are looking for.

If you’re up for more of a physical challenge have you tried downloading a Yoga work out? There are many options online where you could be given Yoga instruction from your computer and right into your room. Yoga can provide the perfect workout, keeping you active and very relaxed all in the comfort of your own heated room.

Some more ideas include: using the school gym, Sajik swimming pool, Seomyon underground shopping mall, learning a music instrument, volunteer work, among so many more. Or you could just take a nice refreshing cold hike in the mountain. And maybe you can come up with some ideas. The point is, do not let the winter months bring you down! Develop a hobby and keep active this winter, it will hopefully keep your spirits up and you will be a fresher person come spring!

So this year, do not let winter keep you down. Try to keep a proactive mindset and take advantage of the cold weather! You might become a better person because of it!

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