Our University Published Cultural Books for Students
Our University Published Cultural Books for Students
  • Kang Min-kyu Reporter
  • 승인 2014.03.24 16:01
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▲ Youth’s avid reading-50 masterpieces Donga University recommends

 Our university has recently published: ”Youth’s avid reading-50 masterpieces Donga University recommends” (Publishing Department of Donga University). This is the first time that our university published a book, which recommends cultural books.

“Youth’s avid reading”, which the editing commission chose is composed of expertly written book reviews about 50 masterpieces from across various fields. Professor Lee Kook-hwan (Creative Writing) who is the book’s chief editor said “our university is the place that trains talented people with the ability to work for over 30 years in society.” And he said “Those talented people need to possess intelligence and to oppose the fear that comes with change. So we need encourage our culture to read and discuss books, and to write.”

The composition of “Youth’s avid reading” has begun with the critical insight that we are negligent of the masterpieces of our time, where instead we focus on reading the Classics of the East and West. Heo Jung who is an edition staff said “Although classics transcend the time, they have limits as they couldn’t reflect our time precisely.” And he said “I decided that students need masterpieces of our time to reflect more accurately our present conditions and how to deal with it.”

In deciding on the reading list, the Editing Commission established four standards: 1.) books which have been published from the 20th century to now 2.) books which understand and criticize our time, and provide references like manual to students 3.) books judged to be masterpieces by experts 4.) books that can be referred to as masterpieces even if they aren’t well known. Initially, the book lists are compiled based on recommendations by professors from various fields and book lists from domestic universities. The reviews were written by Professors and experts related to the book’s field of study.

Our university distributed “Youth’s avid reading” to freshmen, encouraging them to begin reading during the orientation held last month 13th to 22nd. Also, our university plans to use “Youth’s avid reading” for teaching material in liberal education, setting the tone for reading books, discussion, and writing. You can find “Youth’s avid reading” on the market.

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  • 등록번호 : 대전 가 00000
  • 등록일 : 2017-04-05
  • 발행일 : 2017-05-01
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  • 편집인 : 권영성
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