The Profound World of Wine
The Profound World of Wine
  • 관리자
  • 승인 2010.04.27 14:05
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[NOVEL OCCUPATION - SOMMELIER : Mr. Shin Dong-hoon] "The Profound World of Wine"

최종수정일 / 2008년 11월 22일

사진 : Sommelier Mr. Shin.


    A glass of wine a day for health, a necessity for business occasions, a key  ingredient of romantic evenings, a symbolic marker of celebrations, wine has become ubiquitous.  We can find the wine section easily in the supermarket because of its popularity.

    As more people consume wine, interest in the occupation of sommelier has risen.  Sommelier, originally from the French word for "a waiter in charge of wine at a restaurant, or a person in charge of food at a hotel," is a "wine expert" who chooses a wine for the customer in the final step of the wine selection process. 

    We interviewed sommelier Mr. Shin Dong-Hoon (37), who works as a sommelier in the Italian restaurant of Paradise Hotel (Haeunndae, Busan).

Experience is more important than a certificate

    How did Mr. Shin become a sommelier at Paradise Hotel, one of many with a beautiful view of Haeundae beach? 
He had been working in the same hotel for 13 years as primarily a member of the general staff.  However, influenced by the wine boom that started in Busan 4 to 5 years ago, he received professional  training at Seoul Bordeaux Wine Academy and switched positions.  Since then, he participated continuously in numerous wine events held under the sponsorship of Paradise Hotel.  He is in his fourth year as a sommelier. 

    According to Mr. Shin, a sommelier offers information and advice to customers in the wine shop, observing that "since a sommelier helps customers to understand and appreciate the wine they are drinking, experience is more important than a certificate."

Wine is like a person

    Just as people cannot be judged by their appearance alone, wine cannot be known until it is drunk.  Even wine experts assess wines differently, having their own perspective and preferences.  Mr. Shin remarked, "you might have a different opinion of the wine you drank yesterday when you drink it today."

Constant love for wine

    It is essential not only to possess a wealth of knowledge about wine but also to have endless love for it as well as a great spirit of service to be a true sommelier.  Nowadays some aspirants study abroad to become a sommelier, but training for a few years is not enough.  "If you want to be a sommelier, first of all, you have to love wine and be prepared to devote yourself to wine ceaselessly," he advised.

November 30, 2007
Kang Myoung-A

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