Have You Visited These Blogs?
Have You Visited These Blogs?
  • 박이슬
  • 승인 2010.05.03 12:07
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최종수정일 / 2008년 11월 04일
Have You Visited These Blogs 

   Bloggers in the world have passed the 70 million mark.  It's a blog boom. One of the attractions of blogs is the
personal homepage.  You can find easily around you bloggers who are into personal homepages.  Here are some
fascinating blogs popular among bloggers. 

    Blog (an on-line personal diary) is a personal website that a person freely updates in regard to content according to
her interest and that can be visited by other internet users who can view those contents.  ‘Webblog in Korea,' a meeting place for blog-users on-line, was first formed in December 2001. 'Blog (www.blog.co.kr),' a commercial service,
started in August 2002.  But blogs did not catch fire with the general Korean public until well after 2003 with the use of
'minihomepages,' a Korean version of blogs.

    According to the 『Analysis of Blogger Use in 2007』, four out of ten internet users in South Korea maintain blogs or
minihomepages, with women and students in the lead.

△ A Letter from South Korea (http://romantiker.egloos.com)
    This blog is about an account of a blogger's travels in South Korea, which he toured like a backpacker in a foreign
country.  He describes scenic spots and gives a snapshot of Koreans going about their daily lives.  As it is currently
vacation season, there is useful information for travelers who are trying to select a summer resort in South Korea.

△ Life Is Cool (http://blog.naver.com/kmjjj93)
    If you are a person who has been updating your minihomepage in Cyworld, I recommend that you  visit this blog.  
You can get interesting and evocative images for the mainscreen of your own minihomepage as well as a variety of

△ Funny Movie Blog, Extreme Movie (http://extmovie.com/)
    The blog of an off-line movie magazine, it provides a more attractive environment than an original movie webzine
whose relative importance on the internet is diminishing.  It contains news, reviews, movie release dates.

△ Seeing South Korea through My Eyes (http://sayaka.tistory.com/)  
    Sayaka, a young Japanese woman who has stayed in South Korea for 7 years, has been writing a diary on her blog, recounting the daily pleasures and encounters of her life here.  It also contains her views of cultural differences
between South Korea and Japan as well as Korean problems.  

△ The Joys of Living in Busan (http://blog.naver.com/unicorns7)
   Mr. Gul-shin, a resident of Busan and blogger behind   'Busan's Good Restaurant Travelogues,' has introduced over a thousand restaurants in Haeundae, Busandae, Beomil-dong, Seo-myeon, Gwangaili, Millak-dong and so on,
providing pictures, location, price, quality of food.

△ Dongdaemun Fashion's 'Inchan' (http://blog.naver.com/dlsjong)      
   Mr. Jong-il In's main message on his blog is: "I'd like to put everything I know about fashion onto this blog."  He is the CEO of a shopping mall that is the biggest in scale.  The blog has no commercial intent, containing information  about
fashion, memorable quotes and phrases, humor and so on.  If you want to be a fashion leader, visit this blog!  

△ Sunflower (http://blog.naver.com/khj7051)

   If you want to have beautiful skin, visit this blog without fail!  It has a trove of information relating to beauty treatment,
not only skin care tips but also cosmetics, nail care, hair styling, diet, aroma-therapy and so on.  Let's be a skin
beauty by paying attention to this blog!  
△ Bloggertip.com (http://bloggertip.com/)
    This blog provides useful tips to bloggers such as starter tip, problogger tip and information about corporate blogs.  
Also, you can subscribe to a magazine with this information.

August 6, 2008
By Reporter, Kang Myoung-a
    Junior reporter, Kim MI-hee

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