[DAU's Support Staff] Following Safety Directions
[DAU's Support Staff] Following Safety Directions
  • 박이슬
  • 승인 2010.05.03 12:15
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[DAU's Support Staff] Following Safety Directions
최종수정일 / 2008년 11월 22일
There are people who stay up all through the night guarding the front gate of our school.  They are security staff who are on guard 24 hours everyday of the year.

Mr. Kang Ji-sun, a guard, complied with our interview request, smiling like a neighbor.  Responsibilities that belong to
the security office are various, ranging from maintenance of university grounds, security supervision of each college,
traffic control, parking, the lost and found department, to mail keeping.  "It is hard for me when traffic is congested
around campus because so many students take taxis to get here.

I wish they would use public transportation," he said.  "Sometimes I am frustrated because some students flee in order not to pay for the parking, but I am really thankful when students greet me in the street," he related with a smile.  He was concerned about students, who were like his own children, bidding them to watch out when they take a crosswalk: "I
worry because some students can't hear the whistle because of their earphones, and I worry about students who don't follow safety directions."  His attachment to DAU was revealed through his request that students not throw away
garbage near the front gate because that is the face of our school.    

By Kang Myoung-a

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