[Second Dong-A Global Forum]Products of Effective
[Second Dong-A Global Forum]Products of Effective
  • 박이슬
  • 승인 2010.05.03 12:17
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[Second Dong-A Global Forum]Products of Effective Policy:German Initiative in the World
최종수정일 / 2008년 11월 13일
사진 : Dr. Christopher Stehr (University of Ulm)
"German photovoltaics and wind energy capacity are not the outcome of an exceptional natural resource base but the result of government policy and awareness of the greenhouse gas emissions crisis, which have enabled both to ascend to the top in their respective areas," said Prof. Christopher Stehr of the University of Ulm (Germany) at Dong-A University's Global Forum on October 22.

Stehr pointed to the current forecasts of climate change, which have already set in, posing enormous risks to our economies, to the stability of ecosystems and, hence, to sustainable development.  If the present trend in global greenhouse gas emissions continues, we must expect global average temperature to rise up to 6℃ above pre-industrial levels.  He added that for stabilization, total global GHG (greenhouse gas) emission must fall to less than half of the present level by the middle of the century.  The Kyoto Protocol's targets for 2012 are within reach for Germany and the EU.

"Germany, a large industrial nation trying to reduce GHG emissions, is clearly leading in regard to new renewable energy sources, occupying the first rank in terms of installed wind energy capacity, and the second rank in photovoltaics.  And this capacity is not due to an exceptional natural resource base but to German policy in this area, despite the fact that it was conducted in rather lukewarm fashion until 1997," he said.

According to Prof. Stehr, Germany has instituted policies to foster  research and improve production of German electricity from renewable energy sources (RES-E) since 1974.  For 15 years RES-E policy after 1974 was devoted to R&D.  Market creation measures only came after 1988, of which the Feed-In Law was the most important.  During the 1990s, it barely managed to survive. Significant improvement occurred after the 1998 election, with the new majority greatly strengthening RES-E support, particularly for photovoltaics and biomass.

Since 1999, the German photovoltaic market has been growing rapidly.  In 2003, more than 130 MWp PV systems were installed in Germany, in 2004, more than 200 MWp systems.  The main reason for this impressive market success has been the market stimulation policy of the German government.

In January 1999, the 100,000 Roofs Program for photovoltaic systems had started, offering interest-reduced loans.  In April 2000, it was backed by the renewable Energy Sources Act, which considerable increased the feed-in tariff to 99 Pfennings (0.51 ) per kWh.  Since then the PV market has boomed.  In 2003, the 100,000 Roof Program ended successfully after loans for more than 300 MWp PV systems had been granted.

"From now on, Korea's paradigm must focus on the energy industry, and its plan for the long term should not be limited to the domestic sphere.  Korea should try to occupy a position as a sustainable energy market in the world," Prof. Jeong observed, adding that we need technical cooperation with advanced top-notch companies in the green energy field.

By Kim Do-hyung
No.1066 MONDAY NOVEMBER 10, 2008

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