A vibrant rare relic
A vibrant rare relic
  • 박이슬
  • 승인 2010.05.03 12:24
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A vibrant rare relic
최종수정일 / 2009년 06월 05일
        On May 19 DAU's museum on Bumin campus re-opened its doors.  The newly opened museum is the re-modeled Gyungnam office of the provincial government.  The cost of the reconstruction was approximately 77 hundred million won.  The re-opened museum drew 200 visitors on a weekday, demonstrating that it is a great attraction.

        The Dong-A University Museum has on exhibit over 30,000 relics, including two national treasures and eleven treasures.  Especially, Layout of Palace (東闕圖- National Treasure No. 249), which measures 576 cm horizontally and 273 cm vertically, is on display in all its grandeur on the Painting and Calligraphy Gallery on the second floor.  A map of the east palace offers a bird's eye view layout of the whole royal palace
comprising of Changdeok Palace, which is the east palace, (東闕) and a pavilion of Changgyeong Palace.  It was created during the rule of King Sunjo late in the Joseon Dynasty.  When the museum was located in Gudeok campus, the map of the east palace could not be displayed so
well, but the Layout of Palace could be exhibited in its full splendor after the move to Bumin.

        Galleries on the second floor are divided into six themes by time period.  In the archeological gallery, you can see the Horse-shaped Horn
Cup (馬頭飾角杯- Treasures No. 598) with horse head-shaped patterns.  In the ceramics gallery (the second theme), Celadon Pitcher (靑磁注子) with a Melon Body is the main relic. Bricks with Lotus Design (蓮花文塼) and Roof-end Tile with Monster-mask Design (怪獸面瓦) are in the Tiles and Bricks Gallery.  In the Buddhist Art Gallery (the fourth theme), the two main relics are Buddha Preaching at Vulture Peak (靈山會上圖-
Treasure No. 1522), which is the largest Buddhist drawing early in the Joseon Dynasty and Stone Buddhist Image with Inscription of the 13th year of Taehwa (太和13年銘石造佛像).  In the Paintings and Calligraphy Gallery, you can see Embroidery with Grass and Insect Design (草蟲圖繡屛- Treasure No. 595), made with traditional Korean embroidery skills, attributed to Shin Saim-dang.  In fact, the shape of its branch was put on the
50,000 won bill.  In the Folklore Gallery (the last theme), one main relic is the Lacquered Wardrobe Inlaid with Mother-of-Pearl (螺鈿衣欌), which was used by the Empress Min late in the Joseon Dynasty.  The traces of restoration in the galleries make you feel the historical and cultural
depth of DAU's museum.

        It is fairly fun to see the short informative entries on the relics recorded on the walls.  Basic information on celadon porcelain differences, on definition of paintings, on the history of earthenware is arranged easily on the walls of each room.  From volunteers who are always on hand to
translating machines (English, Chinese, Japanese) for foreigners, visitors can choose among many ways to tour the museum.  Request forms
for volunteer guides and lending machines are available on the first floor in the lobby.

        Pak Chang-yeul, an assistant at DAU National Museum, said, "It took more than 2 years to move from Gudeok to Bumin.  The packing took
three times as long as the normal process because we were very concerned to minimize damage."  He added, "we have our own Reserve
Management Office, and any National Treasures or relics that need special attention are handled by a professional agency to conserve and
protect them."

        DAU's museum is open to the general public free of charge, and in the future plans diverse programs and exhibitions through which it will become the face of Bumin campus.

* Museum Hours: 9:30 AM ~ 5:00 PM   / Closed : Sunday

June 5, 2009
By reporter Kim Mi-hee
junior reporters, Chi Na-ri and Park Chan-young

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