Have you ever heard of electronic cigarettes
Have you ever heard of electronic cigarettes
  • 박이슬
  • 승인 2010.05.03 12:26
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Have you ever heard of electronic cigarettes 
최종수정일 / 2009년 08월 18일
'If you quit smoking, you can get a prize vacation.' That is the novelty prize sponsored by Ulsan Northern Air Unit 8146 for military personnel who quit smoking. If they succeed in quitting smoking for one month, they can get a prize holiday and a reward of a movie ticket. If they quit for six months, they get a two-night, three-day holiday. The purpose of offering these prizes is to lower the percentage of smoking in the air unit. People in general have became concerned about quitting smoking. For example, the World Health Organization has a non-smoking day. An entire region runs a bus stop which encourages quitting smoking. Also, when a CEO of an enterprise enforces a non-smoking policy on his employees, a nation supports that enterprise's policy. It is difficult for smokers to quit smoking because of the powerful toxicity of cigarettes. Many products to help the smoker quit came out such as Geumyuncho, Nicotine patch, GeumyunGum, but these had no effect. So these were neglected by customers. But electronic cigarettes, which came out recently, have received much attention. Electronic cigarettes differ from established non-smoking supplements in that they feel like real cigarettes without the harmful carbon monoxide, tar and so on except nicotine. An electronic cigarette is different from general cigarettes in that the cartridge is composed of liquid vaporized steam. And because it does not use fire, there are no harmfulness substances that a cigarette produces when you smoke. So people can enjoy good health. Also, electronic cigarette is innovative, protecting from fire and secondhand smoke. An electronic cigarette is composed of a body that combines a Light Emitting Diode with a battery, an equipment that changes liquid nicotine into steam, and a cartridge that is filled with nicotine liquid. If you smoke the cartridge (the filter comes under the cigarette), put a light at the LED. Then the steam converted from liquid nicotine goes into the mouth. The price of an electronic cigarette is 1500000~2000000 won with LED, nicotine cartridge. Because of people's high interest, electronic cigarette dealers have increased. Min-suck Cho, an electronic cigarette dealer and President of Gabim, which is located in Hadan, said, "We are offering a free experience for public relations. Most people who experience an electronic cigarette come to buy. The volume of sales is increasing. Sometimes people who have quit smoking visit my shop. Even though I run this shop for my own interest, when I watch such people my heart fills with happiness."Hyun-dal Jung (Senior, Management) said, "Because my resolution of quitting smoking always have collapsed, I am induced to purchase an electronic cigarette. Since using it, I think about cigarettes much less. Because concerns of secondhand smoke have faded, I don't have to worry when I smoke in front of my girlfriend. By reducing nicotine through an electronic cigarette, I will succeed in quitting smoking." Electronic cigarettes, which contain a small quantity of nicotine, are like the nicotine patch, Geumyungum, and others in reducing smoking withdrawal. We hope that the effect of electronic cigarettes will be great. August 6reporter Choi Jung-in

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