Close but distant relationship between students an
Close but distant relationship between students an
  • 박이슬
  • 승인 2010.05.03 12:27
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Close but distant relationship between students and professors 
최종수정일 / 2009년 09월 10일
A new semester comes without fail. You will take new classes and meet new professors. For the sake of students who wanted to have a closer relationship with professors but couldn't and professors who wanted have a closer relationship with students but couldn't, DAU interviewed Lee Ik-seon, and Cho Hyun-bin, to teach us how to form closer relationships. DAU wants to make itself an ideal place for the formation of close student-faculty relationships. The relationship should not end with the conclusion of classes but continue as in a mentorship. This semester, DAU will introduce 'Lifelong Mentoring System'. With a smile, why don't you approach your own professor in his office "We like a student with a clear goal."Lee Ik-sun, Professor of Management at DAU, is excited to think of spending the coming semester with his students. He is in charge of two subjects with some 200 students. Moreover, he has just finished working on his blog, which he manages to get closer to his students. His blog is a good place to find out about students with potential talent, which was hidden during the class. He usually expresses his close attention for his students through his homepage, leaving a comment for every post. His devotion to his students earned him 'The Best Professor Award' for the second semester, 2008.Even Prof. Lee, who loves his students, has a type of student for whom he shakes his head: 'A student with no clear goals' "Sometimes, a few come to me to be counselled, but they do not bring any topic to talk about. Without any topic, there is nothing to talk about. It becomes a waste of time for both of us."An increasing number of students want a far closer relationship with their professor. Yet if they wish to have a long-term relationship with their professor, students should have concerns to share such as their future, school life, personal relationships and so forth.The title of 'Professor', in itself, may encumber students in their efforts to get closer to professors. Then, what do actually professors think about this common perception Prof. Lee said, "If they don't come and visit us, there would be no way for us to know their special talents and gifts." He added, "Do not hesitate to come." It may not be easy to distinguish oneself before a professor in the midst of hundred students. Nevertheless, the proverb 'Better late than never' may inspire students who are hesitating to get closer to a professor. This new semester, why don't you form a relationship with a professor who can be your life-long mentor By reporter Choi"Enthusiastic about learning new thing."In September, Cho A-ra, who is a sophomore majoring in tourism management, has a deep concern. There is no professor whom she knows well. "In university, there are no opportunities for students and professors to meet naturally. If I faithfully attend lectures and take exams, the professor like my middle and high school teachers, should know my name. But that is not the case in university. Meeting a professor only in the class, I greet him when I run into him and write a note of thanks on the final. But those are all." she said. Like this sophomore, most students don't know how to approach professors. Also, they are reluctant to see them because they don't want to appear servile. But for those who get the courage to go, they have nothing to talk about with the professor. Is there no solution DAU interviewed Cho Hyun-bin, a student majoring in wood furniture design. She indicated that being familiar with a professor is not difficult. Just go to the classroom beforehand and ask the professor how he or she is doing. And if you have a question regarding a previous lecture, ask it. In this way, professors recognize your face. When asked what special effort she put into getting to know professors, she answered, "I attend lectures actively. If professors ask me a question, I do my very best to answer. I also try to sit close to the professor. If you have a passion to know things, doing one's best and always trying to learn are the best way to know professors." To facilitate student-faculty exchanges, DAU will introduce the Lifelong Mentoring System. The professor will guide and counsel students for their futures so that they can transition into society smoothly. This system will start once classes begin, and the university will assign students to professors. Through this system, we expect DAU students and faculty to form good relationships. By reporter Choi동아대학보 제1072호 (2009. 9. 7)

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