[Movie Review] Tragic Story of the 1930s: Schindle
[Movie Review] Tragic Story of the 1930s: Schindle
  • 박이슬
  • 승인 2010.05.03 12:30
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[Movie Review] Tragic Story of the 1930s: Schindler's List
최종수정일 / 2009년 10월 08일
Movie Review

This is one of the memorable monochrome movies that runs for 195 minutes, which is quite a long time compared to other films.  Nevertheless, are there any films that show the tragedy of race and ethnicity realistically 

The movie starts with the comparison of glorious life of the Germans and catastrophic life of the Jews.  In September 1939, German forces defeated the Polish Army in two weeks.  An opportunist, Oskar Schindler (Liam Neeson) arrives in Krakow to take over a confiscated pots and pans company, which had been managed by Polish Jews.  At first, Oskar Schindler takes all possible steps to assume the factory though, what he has seen--genocide of Jews and a child being killed--switches his views from profit to human sympathy.  Eventually, he determines to save Jews from the concentration camp.  With a detailed plan to extricate Jews from the occupation area, Krakow, to his old home, Schindler saved the lives of 1,100 Jews from the concentration camp.

The last scene of this film gives a strong impression because of the fact that this film is the based on a true story.  With harmony between the music and its mood, people saved by Oskar Schindler with their descendants in the real world and also actors and actresses each put a small stone on his grave, holding each other's hands side by side.

Jews are generally called Hebrews or Israelis.  Historically, Jews have suffered and been treated cruelly because of their faith and have no nation of their own.  But their great efforts to preserve Jewish culture and national characteristics enabled them to survive in every corner of the world.  Further, humane people like Schindler helped them to survive.

The reason that the movie Schindler's List became No.1 among the number of films about Nazi barbaric behavior is not just because of its selection by the Academy Award as 'Best Picture'.  It is because Schindler's List warns of the consequences of racial prejudice and minority discrimination, which are still happening in this world.

Schindler's List may give university students a lesson about the world, which is barely possible to learn from school.  Why don't you watch Schindler's List  

By reporter Choi Na-ry
동아대학보 제1073호 (2009. 10. 5)

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