[Current World]Beaujolais Nouveau
[Current World]Beaujolais Nouveau
  • 박이슬
  • 승인 2010.05.03 12:32
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[Current World]Beaujolais Nouveau
최종수정일 / 2009년 11월 16일
Every third Thursday of November is 'Nouveau Day'. The value of 'Beaujolais Nouveau' on November increases more than ever.  It is a light fresh new wine for which many connoisseurs from all of the world anticipate.  It is produced only in the Beaujolais region of Bourgogne, France. Unlike other regions in France, Beaujolais area is covered by granite based soils and produces Garmay grapes, which have abundant fruity taste.

The reason why it comes out only in November stems from a 'distinctive idea'. Because Garmay cannot preserve its flavor longer, it has been marketed as a November wine: 'If we can not keep them for longer, ask all people to drink it at the same time!'  So it is offered on the third Thursday of each November.

A special fact of Beaujolais Nouveau is how suppliers estimate its price.  In order to be delivered to the world on the same day, the price of Beaujolais Nouveau consists of 70 percentage transportation.  Compared to its net wine price, 3000 won, the freight price is 8000 to 9000 won per a bottle.  It is as if the accessories are bigger than the main thing.  Nevertheless, despite this queer situation, Beaujolais Nouveau still enjoys popularity.  Spokes for Lotte and Hyundai department stores, which accept reservations for Beaujolais Nouveau before the third week of November, said "Due to financial crisis, an advanced purchase rate decreased by 20 percent though it is still booming."

The way of enjoying Beaujolais Nouveau is diverse.  It is a good match with soft cheese, Korean food, hot dog, not too heavy meat.  The grapes are processed whole in bunches without harvesting the individual grapes from its bunch.  This decreases the bitter tannin taste while adding to its fruity white wine taste.  You may enjoy sweetest taste by drinking it at 55℉, mainly 12.7℃.

Korean people love to drink not only Beaujolais Nouveau but also △Montes Alpha Carbernet Sauvignon (No.1 Chile) △Villa M (No.2 Italy) △Carmen Reserva Carmenere Carbernet Sau-vignon (No.3 Chile) △1865 Reserva (No.4 Chile) △Mouton Cadet (No.5 France).

If you expect to have a special day in November, why don't you wait for the third Thursday of November for Beaujolais Nouveau 

By reporter Choi Na-ry
동아대학보 제1074호 (2009. 11. 9)

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