[Knowledge is Power]Oedipus Complex
[Knowledge is Power]Oedipus Complex
  • 박이슬
  • 승인 2010.05.03 12:33
  • 댓글 0
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[Knowledge is Power]Oedipus Complex
최종수정일 / 2009년 11월 16일
Oedipus complex is defined as a male's unconscious sexual attachment to his mother.  Oedipus complex is from the Greek myth of Oedipus, and was used by S. Freud in his psychology.  Freud said that this tendency appears definitely in the phallic phase (ages of 3~4), but during the latency period, it is suppressed by unconsciousness.  The desire--"I want to love mother freely like father,"--changes into "I want to become like father."  When male children consider themselves in relation to their father, it is time to build the superego according to Freud.

Freud said that in the process of overcoming this Oedipus complex normal sexual development occurs, but the complex is difficult to overcome ideally.  And patients of a nervous disease are the people who can't overcome their Oedipus complex.  Moreover Freud thought that this complex is biological and exists universally. But the discovery of Malinowski in cultural anthropology refuted the universal and physiological basis of this theory, for this complex is only supported by law of Rome and the morality of Christianity.

In regard to females, there is the Electra complex in which the daughter has a sexual attachment to her father and hatred for her mother.

By reporter Choi Jung-in
동아대학보 제1074호 (2009. 11. 9)

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