[Knowledge is Power]Cyber security
[Knowledge is Power]Cyber security
  • 박이슬
  • 승인 2010.05.03 12:35
  • 댓글 0
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[Knowledge is Power]Cyber security
최종수정일 / 2009년 12월 10일

Last DDoS attack showed how difficult it was to protect an individual's privacy in an invisible cyber place.  The more attention was paid to sheltering a subject's privacy and forestalling leakage of valuable information, the more the importance of Cyber Security was raised.
Cyber〔Computer〕 Security means collective processes or systems by which sensitive and valuable information and services are protected from publication.  It appears to be more critical for its users in light of the increasing rate of using cyber information and the awareness of intellectual property rights.  
Since 2005, the International Organization for Standardization(ISO) and the International   Electrotechnical Commission(IEC) have provided ISO27001 with an identical standard for its mechanism in order to keep their information safe against cyber attacks.  Korea, with more than 95 percent of wide internet usage, is trying to tread an appropriate structure of Cyber Security system, while equipping the environment of involved cooperations to get a warranty of ISO27001.

Despite systematic prevention of cyber terror, protection of privacy is useless unless computer users take the initiative and attempt to protect themselves against unseeable threats.  They should distance themselves unsafe web sites, as well as use an endorsed Cyber Security system as a preliminary to prevent a possibility of cyber attack.

By reporter  Choi Na-ry
동아대학보 제1075호 (2009. 12. 7)


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