It's A BYOL !
It's A BYOL !
  • 박이슬
  • 승인 2010.05.03 12:36
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It's A BYOL !
Bring Your Own Love [영어뉴스]
최종수정일 / 2010년 02월 03일
“Mom, it's Santa Claus!”

Excitement made Park Su-Byn (Hakjang dong, 7 years old)'s face blush like Rudolph's nose, and she hurriedly called her mother to come to the door. She tried touching Santa's beard to make sure that all was real. People around watched this little kid's reaction with a grin.

With the end of 2009 approaching, an increasing number of people are wearing much heavier coats because of the chill weather and are busy making plans for the year's end. Some extraordinary students plan to spend their time with others. Last December 23, Eun Hae's house was literally a sea of unexpected guests. Lee Jun (Sophomore, Mechanical Engineering) and Lee Ji-young (Junior, College of Philosophy) plus 6 Dong-A university students dressed up as Santa Claus and Rudolph respectively, then visited her house. They had joined the '2009 Love Secret Santa Meeting,' which included a magic show, balloon art and Christmas carols. It lasted into the early morning on that day. Lee Jun said, "while profiling the families that we were going to visit, we had a hard time learning how to practice magic to make children happy." Lee Ji-young also said, "The first time, I was a little bit disconcerted of how to treat them. Though, as time went by, I felt like I was flying over the moon as the kids seemed to like us." Not only students but also Su Byn grinned from ear to ear. Su Byn did not let go Santa's present or the heart shaped balloon from her hand.

This event, called 'Secret Santa,' has continued on a national scale for 3 years, its purpose being for Santa Claus to visit the poor to spread a little happiness. Based on nationwide survey of young people, the amount of scale and participation are increasing than those of other events. According to its host organization, the number of participants from Busan University, Kyunsung University, Pukyong University, Busan National University of Education, and Dong Eui University totaled around 700. Secret Santa events in Busan took off on the 5th of this month. They will play an active role till the end of this year. The events are sponsored by a young men's association. Dong A University also recruited applicants under the instruction of a director, Lee Hyo Jin (Senior, Biological Science) for 2 weeks since the end of the final terms this month. A social worker, Kim Hee Jin said "university students are usually very active and have full passion. They really help us well".

Also, there are diverse welfare programs which spread compassion and caring. Last December 19, Dong-A University opened 'Briquette Delivery Events' collaborated with KBS, and held a bazaar. In addition, Busan will keep up its special welfare programs like a fundraising campaign in each place and through '2010 Hopeful Sharing Campaign' ending in January of 2010.
If you seek the true meaning of 'happiness,' why don't you look around you 

2009 December 22th
By reporter Choi Nary

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