[Real Slang]
[Real Slang]
  • 김승언
  • 승인 2011.10.19 04:26
  • 댓글 0
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You will easily think Americans speak the same English as we learn. But you are wrong!
According to one research, 50% of common words are slang! How about learning slang?
There are 4 situations for using slang in school.
Check it out!


Chris : What's up? You have a lot of hot chicks in your class. I envy you!
잘 지내니? 너희 반에 괜찮은 여자애들 참 많더라. 정말 부럽군!
Bob : I'm a lucky guy! Lots of babes and easy work.
난 정말 운 좋은 남자야! 예쁜 여자 애들도 많고 수업도 아주 쉬워.


Justin : Oh, no! we only have 18 hours to study! I guess it's cram time.
어머! 공부할 시간이 18시간 밖에 남지 않았어! 이제부터 벼락치기다.
Bob : I bombed it last test. I have to get a good score this time. I'd better make a piece of paper to cheat.
난 저번 시험을 망쳤어. 이번엔 좋은 성적을 받아야 해. 커닝페이퍼를 만들어야겠어.
Justin : No, trust yourself! You can make it in 18 hours! Don't be a copycat!
안돼, 너를 믿어! 넌 18시간 안에 해낼 수 있어! 너 베끼지 마!


Christina : Are you kissing up to him?
너 교수님께 아부하러 가지?
Bob : Actually yes…. I don't want to take his class again. Am I transparent?
사실 그래…. 난 재수강하기 싫어. 내가 너무 속 보였니?


Christina : It costs a whole lot to go to college.
대학에 가려면 돈이 엄청 많이 들어.
Justin: Sure as shooting!
두말하면 잔소리지!
Are you drawn to slang like these? Then, speak up to your friends and people around!


  by reporter Lee Gyung-Won

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